Now you get to be a princess ballerina

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As soon as we were able to get off the plane, I ran outside, jumping with joy. Wanna know the first thing i did?? I kissed the ground. Yeah....It didnt want to kiss back but, oh well, his lost. This old lady was giving me a 'WTF' look, haha good times, good times.

" Alexis quit throwing yourself at the floor, your not his type" said my bro

" Shut up it loves me" I responded

" Yeah, keep telling yourself that"

" Would you two quit fighting, your emberassing us" Said Zach

" Pfff said the one thats wearing skinny jeans tighter than my own" I responded

" Alexis!! Dont speak to your father like that. Te ensene mejor." saId my mom. 

(I tought you better.)

" Madre, let me ask you a question. Is his DNA part of mine?" 

" Well no but-" 

"Then he is not my father. Like it or not, mi padre (my father) is Romeo Ramirez, and yes what he did to you was disgusting but he has been there for me my whole life. He was, is, and will be my father and nothing you or I or anyone can do will never change that. Didn't Abuelita tell you to use a condom??" 

"Alexis Chavez Ramirez, I AM your mother, and you WILL respect me. Now apologize to Zack." 

"Hey! Yo que ise?" (what did I do?")

" Do it. NOW"

While my mom kept looking at me with a glare that could leave a whole in my head Zachary just stood there with a smug smirk. Dirty bastard. 

"Ugh, I'm sorry I hurt your male ego that is probably the size of your dick, my pinky" I said 

Ha, that wiped the smirk off his face  

"Burn!!" yelled Jake 

" Suficiente!! ( Enough!!) That's it Alexis you are not to come out of your room until it is time to go to school, or you will be able to give Zach an honest apology"

See, some of you would think ' Ehh it's not that bad' It is for me.

I'm a little claustrophobic. And by that I mean if you left me In a closet for more than 3 min I will start banging the door until I breaks down. Then chase you with a baseball hat until I can't breath. 

Sticking my nose up in the air I said "Fine."

*at the house*

"This is our new house?!?!?!!!" screamed Jake

"It looks more like a castle" said my mom

" Congrtulations Jake you'll finally get to be a princess ballerina like you wanted" 

"Hey! You said you werent gonna mention it!!" 

" I said no such thing!!" 

"yes you did"" 

"nah uh" 

"yeah huh 

" Nah uh" 

"yeah huh" 

"nah uh" 

"yeah hu-" 

" Enough! Both of you!" yelled Zach  

Oh Hell's nah!

" What?? Big star can't take the spotlight off him and his money??" said Jake 

God I love my brother.

"Jake, quieres que te castigue a ti tambien?" 

" No" 

" Entonces callate"

Zach just looked smug

I look over to Jake. He looks over to me. We share a look. Then we both nod and start grinning like crazy bitches.

Then both my mom and Zach get scared looks on their faces. 

Let's just say when someone gets smartass with one of us we gang up on them.  

Ha, they think we're gonna get back at them. But really we just shared the look to scare them so it won't let them sleep. Yeah, whose laughing now.

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