One Direction - When in London

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Title: When In London

Author: SkylarJay


Katie Niroman has been best friends with Niall Horan since birth. They were always side-by-side every minute of the day; they were inseparable. That is, until Katie turned twelve and had to move to Canada for her Dad's job. For the next five years they keep in contact by calling and texting overseas. Their lives changed as they grew older; Niall signed up for the xFactor which brought him to fame, while Katie was constantly submerged in science books. But, what happens when fate brings them back together? As Katie finds herself on a private jet that's headed to London, she awaits her new life - that is - reuniting with her childhood-best friend Niall. Oh, and that's right; his four new best friends.

OK, can I just say that this was an amazing book?

Well, it is.

I don't want to give the whole book away , but to say the least it's very captivating and the plot IS TO DIE FOR.

It is not a complete book, and as far as I can tell the updates aren't always quick, but quality and perfection take time right?

This author really takes the time to develop the character, and the relationships the character has with other people. They also pay attention to detail, it's not one of those stories, where the boys are super-happy mega-popular pop-stars that are happy and cliche-ly excited all the time. In this story, they are REAL people, and are portrayed in a more realistic sense, and less of an idolized-uber-mega-popular-how-they're-seen-in-the-media way.

I would definitely recommend this book.

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