Chapter 4 - The only one

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Here you go with the next part! Hope you'll enjoy!


Zain is devastated because he thinks, she does not feel anything for him as she was accepting the arranged marriage without hesitation. However, she does it to get over Zain.

Hence, Zain represses his feelings and acts cool. It breaks Piavri's heart to leave the city.

What she doesn't know is that Zain gets a similar call from his parents only a few hours later.

But he does not know who his future wife is going to be.

He does not tell Piavri about it, since he thinks that it does not matter anymore anyway.


As both of them stopped texting each other due to the misunderstanding, the day of the soon to be bride meeting turned out to be quite a handful:

Piavri is very deep in thoughts all day long and Zain is swinging between just calling everything off and confess his feelings to Piavri after all.

But at some point, it was already too late.

Only when Piavri was asked to come out of the room to show herself she realised what's going to happen.

She puts on her straight face and walks out of the room, not even remembering that she's wearing a beautiful dress with not too much jewellery.

First, she sees (she assumes) the parents, who looked excited and friendly. She closes her eyes for a brief moment and is asked to go to the kitchen to get tea for the guests before she even has the time to get a glimpse at the guy.

She hurries to the kitchen and sighs deeply. 'Calm down, you're okay, you'll get through this. your parents won't have chosen anyone without thinking it through'; at the same time Zain's memories come to her mind and almost hunt her. She shakes herself up and pep talks her into focusing on what's now and not to think about unrealistic what ifs.

Zain on the other hand already saw Piavri and is shell shocked. His heart is beating almost out of his chest and he's questioning every single thing he did in his life to deserve this opportunity. He smiles like an idiot and tries to get to know Piavri's family, only to distract himself and because he cannot believe his luck.

And it takes almost everything in him to not get up and go after Piavri from the start.

Then Piavri comes out of the kitchen with the tea cups on a silver tray. She somehow misses to see him, right until she was about to serve him.

Even as it was his turn to take the tea, she's not looking at him, she only sees his clothes and kind of tries to not look at his face.

To change it, he smirks a little and says 'jaan-e-man Pia';

Her heart skips a beat at the voice she clearly knows too well, and she lifts her head to see right into Zain's eyes. He's smirking, and she almost drops the tray, but he puts his hands over her to stabilize it. She looks into his amber coloured eyes shocked and not processing what is happening. "Careful", he says and takes the tea from the tray and leans back.

A few seconds later she gets back to herself and slowly walks back to where her mum was standing.

Piavri's heart was almost beating out of her chest and she tries to not stare at Zain; She had so many questions: How was this possible? Why didn't he tell me? Then again, I didn't ask either, and I didn't know as well...

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