Chapter 2: Why Me?

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**A/N So, I noticed that i got more people reading this story! thanks to all who read this! thank you soooo much! It means a lott to me! Please keep reading and commenting. i'd really appreciate it! okay so here's chapter 2.**

Louis’s Point-of-View:

Well, life was good. The boys and I had just gotten away from everything. I love this new life but it’s just too much for me sometimes. We were heading to Durgin-Park for some food, since we had heard it was a good place to go. We were all joking around having a good time when we saw a little yellow Mustang cruising along. I decided to follow it, since it was a good looking car. Then all of the sudden we hear “RED SOLO CUP! I FILL YOU LET’S HAVE A PARTYY! LET’S HAVE A PARTYYY! I LOVE YOU RED SOLO CUP! I LIFT YOU UP! PROCEED TO PARTYY! PROCEED TO PARTYY!!!!” Niall burst out into laughter and so did the rest of us. That was perfect! They sang it like they were actually drunk. It was hysterical! We just continued laughing until I felt a little bump. I looked down and realized what I had done….Oh crap. I just rear-ended this girl’s car while laughing at her and her friends. Smooth. I looked at the girl’s face in the mirror and it had gone from complete goofiness to the terrifying “I’m gonna kill the person who just hit my car” look.

“OHHHH LOUIS’S IN TROUBLEEE!” my best mate Harry teased. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA” was all you could hear from Niall. Liam just shook his head and looking at me and giving me a look that said ‘what are we gonna do with you?!’ Zayn just looked at us groggily, since he had just woken up from his nap. The little car started to pull over, and I followed its lead.

“Why are we pulling over?” Zayn asked still half asleep. “Because, sleepyhead, I just rear-ended the car in front of me, so we need to pull over. Also, I was to see if everyone is okay and I want to apologize.” I said before turning off the car. Well, here goes nothing...

Lucy’s Point-of-View

This is not good. Lizzie loved this car and when anything happened to it she panicked and flipped out at whoever damaged it. She wouldn’t even bring it to the car wash-she’d hand wash it. In the winter! She was going to kill the person who did this, even if there was no damage. I have to stop her! While she got out of the car I took a good look at the driver and passenger. The passenger looked like he was scolding the driver, even though the driver looked older. Hmm…I wonder what that was all about. When they got out of the car I realized they were pretty good looking. “Helloooo?!?! Earth to Lucy!!” I heard. I looked up and Kate was trying to get my attention. When she realized she had it she motioned for me to go save the poor guy’s butt from getting verbally attacked by Lizzie. That was the thing about her. She wasn’t the strongest person but she acted like it. So when it came to ‘attacking’ people she fought verbally. And it was pretty scary. So I got out of the car and was trying to think of what to say when I saw Lizzie’s face. It wasn’t pretty. Even though there was only a small dent in the car she was pissed. Oh noo….here we go. Why do I always have to calm her down? WHY ME?!?! She scares me! *sigh* I was opening my mouth when she flipped.

Lizzie’s Point-of-View

OH. NO. THEY. DIDN’T. I cannot believe what just happened! So my car wasn’t ruined, but it has a pretty good sized dent in it. And that threw me off the edge. I mean REALLY?!?! WHY ME? If it was any other car I wouldn’t mind. It’s just…I love this car. I have a younger brother who’s 2 years younger than me and I literally had to right him for it. I hate learning about cars…it bores me. Plus I don’t speak car. I don’t get much of it. But I actually learned everything about this car and remember it, so that I won’t get scammed when it comes to going to a mechanic. Anyway, back to the problem at hand. To say I was angry was an understatement. A better adjective would be royally pissed. And that still was somewhat of an understatement. I looked up at the dude who was driving and gave him a death glare. Not the kind of death glares you give to your friends when you’re mad. More of the death glare you give someone when they just spilled their coffee on your new white dress, or when they say they love you and then break your heart the next day for someone else. I was not a happy camper.

Louis’s Point-of-View

Two thoughts went through my head at this point. And, those two thoughts were: oh shit, and why me. She gave me a death glare that was dead serious. Let’s just say if looks could kill I would’ve died about a bazillion times and been revived even more times so she could kill me again. Oh dear god. I’m scared. Okay, all I need to do is apologize, exchange the information needed and everything will be okay. Alright I can do this. Hmmm…she isn’t that bad looking. Her friend seemed to calm her down a bit and she looked at me. It took everything not to just turn away and run screaming for my life. I looked into her eyes and saw they were really interesting. They were a blue-ish grey, but they had a hint of green in them. They also had a rim of brown around her eyes. They were really something. The only thing that made me look away was the cough from Liam. “So….are you two love birds going to stay like that for any longer? You both haven’t blinked for 10 minutes and it’s starting to freak me out…”  Oh crap! I can’t believe I’ve been staring at her for that long. She looked at me and looking like a tomato and looked at the ground while smiling really shyly. Wow, she looked really cute when she did that. (A/N I was listening to my iPod and What Makes You Beautiful came on and it said ‘but when you smile at the ground…’ sooo ta-daa! Okay, sorry for interrupting, back to the story….) AH! What am I saying?! I can’t say that! I just met her and know nothing about her. But yet, I was intrigues by her. But it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t look like they recognized us and we wouldn’t see them again so whatever. Plus she probably hates me for looking at her like that after I hit her car. Honestly, WHY ME?!

**A/N okay. there's chapter 2. It isn't my best :/ i just couldn't get the words right! Sorry it took so long. i had major writer's block.  i am open to any type of criticism. i can take it. okay. well please comment! okay sooo....thankss again!! <3!**

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