Chapter 7: He Did What?!

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**A/N Okay so for all the people reading this.....sorry i haven't updated. i've been super busy, but here you go! enjoy! and yes this is dedicated to @LONDONLOVR just cuz :)**

Lucy’s Point-of-View

I went back to the store to help Liam and Niall because I felt bad for making them put all those clothes away by themselves. When I went in the store and I saw Liam at the checkout counter with all the clothes! How could he?! I walked up to him, because I wanted an explanation. “Liam, what the hell are you doing?!” I asked him. He turned around immediately guilt flashed in his eyes. I wonder what explanation he could possibly have for this. I can’t believe he did this!!

Liam’s Point-of-View

“I can explain!” I pleaded with her. “Okay, then explain.” she said calmly to me. God she looked beautiful, even when she’s mad. No! Think Liam, think! “Well, I was just buying these hoodies for me and the boys…” I said while pointing to the hoodies the boys had picked out. “And we all figured we’d buy you the outfits since you all looked so good in them.” She just looked at me. She was angry for a second but then an annoyed expression went over her face. “Liam look, if we wanted the outfits we would’ve bought them ourselves. Don’t buy them for us.” “But I want to” I protested. “Liam, please put the clothes away.” She sighed. “No. I’m buying them. End of story.” I said firmly to her. I wanted them to have the clothes, whether they liked it or not. She didn’t say anything back so I paid for the clothes. When I turned around with all the bags in my hands, she still looked annoyed. “Lucy, don’t be like that. We have tons of money and we just wanted to do this for you.” She just looked at me with a blank expression and said nothing. So, the silent treatment. “Lucy, please talk to me.” I pleaded with her. She just turned and started walking out of the buildings.

Lucy’s Point-of-View

I walked to the end of the store away from Liam. I couldn’t face him now. I know he doesn’t know much about my past, but still. I bet you’re wondering why I’m so mad at Liam. Well, it started with my ex-boyfriend Chris. Chris had asked me out the summer before my freshman year of high school. He was a year ahead of me, a sophomore. I literally fell head over heels for him. We went steady for a year. Then, in my sophomore year a new girl moved to town. Her name was Christina. Chris became good friends with her, since they were in the same grade. I trusted him, like a good girlfriend would, and soon we became friends too. After Christmas break, Chris’ sister, Laura, who is in my grade, told me some news I would never forget.


“Hey Laura what’s up?” I asked my good friend. “Oh nothing. How was break?” she asked. “Awesome! It was nice to see the family again.” I had gone up to Toronto to visit my family for the break, since I lived in a beach house in Rye. I lived there because, it was closer to school, and my parents paid for it for me. We were rich, but I wasn’t too spoiled. “How was yours?” I asked her. “Pretty good I guess.” Then there was an awkward silence, which usually never happens between us, unless something happened. “Listen, Lucy I need to tell you something.” She said nervously. “Alright. What is it?” I asked. “Okay well this really isn’t easy to say, but just remember I’m here for you no matter what. “Okay?” I questioned. Now I was really confused. “Well, over Christmas break Mom and Dad went to do some last minute shopping and Chris was out with Christina. They came home and I was in my room reading a book, and Chris must’ve thought I wasn’t home. And, well I went to go downstairs and they were...umm….well they were making out on the couch.” My face fell immediately. “Are you sure?” I asked her. “Positive, I’m really sorry Lucy.” She looked so sympathetic.


That was the one day I skipped school. She skipped the day with me and stayed with me the entire day. When I called Chris later and asked him about it, he finally told me that him and Christina had were going out, and had been for 4 months and broke up with me. Laura was my best friend at that time. We’re still friends now, more like sisters, we just don’t hang out as much as we did. But we’re always there for each other. But, ever since that day I’ve had really bad trust issues. So, that’s why I was mad at Liam. When I looked up I saw Liam looking at me. “Lucy, are you okay?” He asked. I felt bad, because he sounded really worried but, I just couldn’t answer him. The next thing I knew I was pinned up against the wall and Liam kissed me. And I did the stupidest thing I could have done at that moment. I kissed him back.

Liam’s Point-of-View

I just took a chance and pinned her against the wall. She looked at me with a really confused face. Then, I just leaned in and kissed her. And she kissed back! YESS!! “Lucy, I’m really sorry for what I did. I didn’t think it would upset you this much. Will you please go out with me?” I was mentally crossing my fingers and hoping she would say yes. “Look, Liam. I really like you. Even though I’ve only known you for a short amount of time, I feel like I’ve known you longer.” ‘Oh no’ I thought, ‘here comes the rejection. “So, yes I will go out with you.” She said with a smile. I just smiled widely at her and kissed her again. We were still kissing when we heard another girly voice. “Woah.” And then a little Irish accent to. “What’s going on here?” the voice asked. We pulled away and looked up to see Kate and Niall smirking and just watching us.

Kate’s Point-of-View

I went to go get everyone because they were taking so long. I bumped into Niall on the way back to the store and he wanted to walk me to the store to make sure I ‘wouldn’t get robbed or something.’ We walked into the store and saw Liam and Lucy kissing. Wow, you’re gone not even a half hour and you miss so much. “Woah.” I said. “What’s going on here?” Niall asked. “Well,” Lucy started. “We’re going out now!” Liam said with the biggest grin on his face. “We’ll bring the bags to the car and you guys can go back. We’ll be there in a few.” Lucy suggested looking at me with hopeful eyes. ‘Oh,’ I thought. She’s gonna tell him about Chris. Liam’s grin faltered a bit. “Who’s Chris?” he asked. Oh shiznit I said that out loud. “Niall, let’s leave. They need to talk.” I mumbled while Lucy just glared at me. “See you soon I guess.” Niall said with a confused expression on his face.

Lucy’s Point-of-View

Great. Just great. “Lucy, who is this Chris person?” He asked me again. “Ummm….well, he’s my ex-boyfriend. Liam’s jaw clenched. “What is there I need to know about him?” he asked, surprisingly in a calmish voice, but you could hear the jealousy through his act. So, I told him the story. (**A/N the story Lucy told is her flashback. Just imagine her telling it the same way, because I don’t want to put it down again.**)

Liam’s Point-of-View

After she told me her story I was shocked. How could someone do that to her?! “Lucy,” she wouldn’t meet me eyes. So, I gently grabbed her face and made her look me in the eyes. “I will never ever do that to you. You can trust me. If I knew about this, I wouldn’t have bought the clothes behind your back. I’m really sorry. And I will never leave you. I promise.” I said to her. A joyous expression went across her face and she was smiling widely. I bent down, since I was taller than her, and kissed her. “Now, let’s go get some dinner.” I said. She nodded, still smiling. I grabbed her hand and we walked over to the restaurant.

**A/N There you go! Sorry it's so short! It's just a filler cuz i felt bad for not updating. Oh and here's the link for the hoodies Liam bought.

Okay, so aww we have some romance going on! If you're reading this author's note, which most of you probably aren't then please comment. It helpes me write better! Okay, well i hoped you enjoyed the chapter! I'll try and post another one soon!! Oh and you should read my friend @LONDONLOVR's story Toruble at Tower Bridge. It's really good! Okay. byeee. :)**

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2012 ⏰

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