Chapter 4: The Question.

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**A/N Okay so here's chapter 4! I think that's it for tonight. Going to the beach really helps with writer's bloc. Anyway here's chapter 4!!!**

Louis’s Point-of-View

I couldn’t help but give her my number as we left. She was just so intriguing. I truly listened to everything she said. And I couldn’t help but flirt with her. And she flirted back! I was sooo happy! But I don’t know if I should ask her and her friends to join us for dinner, I mean it took me a long time to get her to let me pay for her car. She obviously doesn’t like it when people pay for her. I should ask Harry and see what he thinks. He always knows what to do, that’s why he’s my best friend.

Harry’s Point-of-View

The girl that Louis was talking to was cute, and she seemed like his type. But she also seemed like the type who would play with his heart and break it. I don’t think that description is right though. I don’t think she would use him for the fame and money-she was literally forced into letting Louis pay for the damage on the car. He walked over to me and I saw the look on his face. I immediately knew he liked her. When he got to me he just sat down and sighed. “What’s up Lou?” I asked him. “Well,” he started, “IreallylikeLizzieandIwanttoaskheronadatebutI’mafraidshe’llsayno!” he rambled on. “Oh. I see. So her name is Lizzie?” I ask. “Yeah smartie.” He replied sarcastically. “Now should I ask her or not? Cuz she mentioned something about missing their reservation for Durgin-Park and I know we’re going there and I thought we could invite them. She has four other friends. Two I think Niall and Liam like and I think I should. What should I do?” I thought for a bit and just looked at him. Wow. He was really was afraid of being rejected. I guess he should go for it. I’ll be there if he gets rejected, but Lizzie seemed really into him. And it looks like they don’t know who we are, so that’s another problem. But the paparazzi don’t know where we are and it’s like almost 8 now. Plus it’s the Fourth of July and they celebrate that here in America, so we probably won’t get noticed. “I think you should go for it!” I replied. His eyes got really wide, like they did when he was happy or scared. I assumed her was both. Then they worry left from his face and he cracked a huge smile. “I think I will. I’m going to ask her to dinner and tell her that her friends can join you guys. But I just want it to be us two tonight. I really want to get to know her better.” He said. I noticed that Lizzie and her friends were about to leave and I pointed that out to Louis. He ran as fast as he could to catch her. Oh Louis….that boy. He’s usually not like this. He must really like her.

Skye’s Point-of-View

Okay. That’s it! We already missed our reservation, and we probably won’t get one for a long time since it’s the Fourth of July. But maybe we could at least get some shopping done and get McDonald’s on the way back to Lizzie’s place. We were staying there until the commotion from the Fourth dies down. Why does this stuff always happen to us? I mean honestly. Anyway, Lizzie was about to hop in the car so we could go and the guy who hit her car tapped her on the shoulder and asked her to talk. She had confusion written all over her face, but I could tell that deep down she was happy. She went to talk to him, so Lucy turned on the radio. UGH! One more thing to ruin my day. One Direction. They seemed like nice guys and yes they were good looking, but their music was horrible. How can my friends like that stuff?! Bands like The Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Killers, and The Beatles are way better. But Ed Sheeran is the best. Yes they all like the Beatles and the Killers. They don’t mind Ed Sheeran but they hate the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I don’t understand why! They are the best band ever! Well, besides the Beatles. I just sighed and took out my iPod and listened to Ed Sheeran’s ‘A Team’. This should block out that horrible pop music.

Lily’s Point-of-View

Wow. Just wow. I guess Skye really doesn’t like One Direction. I mean I know it’s not her type of music, but she just pulled out her iPod and started to listen to it. She must be in a mood, because she usually puts up with us listening to One Direction. I like them all, but Niall is my favorite. He’s so adorable! And he’s Irish. Even better. But the rest of them are good looking too. I decided to play beat the radio with Lucy and Kate. I love this game. “CUZ YOU’VE GOT THAT ONE THING!” we screamed as loud as we could. That’s when Lizzie got into the car and told us the good news.

Louis’s Point-of-View

YES! She said yes! Well, she said yes to all joining us for dinner. Yep, us. I chickened out and asked her if they could all join us. It was stupid but she still said yes. I was sooooooo happy! I can’t wait for tonight! IT’s going to be the best! Our reservations were at 10pm and it was 10 past 8. SO we had a few hours to kill. She then suggested that we go shopping with them, since she said and I quote “We always need more opinions because, we can never decide between outfits”. Well, I’m-I mean we’re-we’re going to get her and her friends whatever they want. Even if we have to pay without them knowing. As I walked away I heard screaming from the car “CUZ YOU’VE GOT THAT ONE THING!” How appropriate for this situation. I chuckled. If only they knew….

**A/N Okay there's Chapter 4! I hope you liked it! So i'm going away until Saturday and there's no wifi where I'm going. But Sunday I will try and upload. Okay well thanks to all who are reading! Don't forget to comment! Thanks <3 :)**

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