Iron adventures 32

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As the vacation continues Jeremy, Casey and Tommy and Cody bid farewell to Scranton, and set course for Long Island.

    Marlene was with her grandkids saying good bye. "Now, stay safe, and don't do anything foolish." "Don't worry grandma, we always stay out of trouble." "This superhero business gives me goosebumps." "Don't worry, we promise to be careful." "Ok, see you next year." "Bye." The iron cruiser launched. The helicarrier close behind it. The helicarrier was headed for naboo. "Commander phasma, did you get the coordinates yet." The comlink responded. "Roger that Jeremy, coordinates are set, upgraded hyperdrive is ready, we are a go." "Excellent, go invisible to avoid any unwanted attention." "Going invisible now." The helicarrier went invisible. "See you back on naboo." "See you later, contact me once you've reached naboo." "Copy that." The helicarrier ascended into the sky while the iron cruiser continued towards Long Island.

    Five minutes later, they landed in front of their dads parents house. Their dog, Ollie, was the first to greet them. Maddy ran out with her pups to greet Ollie. The instant Ollie saw them, he was truly excited. Jeremy bent down to pet Ollie. "Hi Ollie boy, look who had puppies." The pups all doggy piled Ollie, and he was enjoying every second of it. Jeremy suddenly thought of something important. "Casey, I just realized that we never gave names to these pups!" "Oh man, your right." "We can ask our grandparents for ideas." They all went inside the house. First, they were greeted by Aron and Michaela, their cousins from California. Aron eyed Casey. "Hey uh Jeremy, who's the chick?" Casey was now eyeing him. "Watch it." "Aron, this is Casey, my twin sister and your cousin." "Wy haven't you told me?" "Because I didn't know until last year." Just then, their grandparents, uncle and his wife, and aunt came in. "Hey guys welcome back." "Hugs went all around. Aunt Sarah spotted Casey. "And who is this young lady." "This is Casey, my twin sister." "Ah, that's right, Cathy told us what you told her a while ago." "Ok." Jeremy was relieved that he only had to retell the story one more time on New Year's Eve. "So Jeremy, how about going to Dave and busters tomorrow?" "Sounds great." Casey turned confused. "What's Dave and busters." Jeremy was a little surprised. "It's only the awesomest place on earth, it's the teenager version of chucky cheese." "Sounds like a blast." "Oh, it's more then a blast, it's the center of the gaming universe." "Can't wait to see what it's like." Their grandma spoke up "And by the way, Jeremy, how'd your most recent back surgery go?" Both Jeremy and Casey shuddered, that was a touchy subject since  they almost died in CHOP. "It never happened, how it never happened, I don't want to talk about it right now." "Oh, ok." "Oh, that reminds me." Their grandpa took out something on wrapping paper. "We all chipped in and got you something that could be fun, and keep you in peak physical condition too." He handed Jeremy the package, Jeremy took it, ripped off the wrapping paper and read something in big letters. "The gamer fusion 9000?" "It's a game system that can literally beam up to 15 players into the video game in the console." "So, if Lego Star Wars the force awakens was in the console, we'd be beamed into it!" "Yep." Jeremy couldn't believe it. "This is incredible." Casey eyed it closer. "We must hook this up the second we get back." "Agreed." Jerseys comlink came on. "This is commander phasma, we have reached naboo." "Stay in space until we get there." "Copy that."

Our heroes have a new training device to use. Stay tuned for more, as the vacation continues.

To be continued.

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