Iron adventures 13

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Our heroes continue their search for the kidnapped Casey, Jeremy's twin sister. They have narrowed their search to coruscant thanks to a clever call from Casey. And then.

    "Suits, drones, avengers, and RRR forces and Casey is still missing?!" Jeremy was in the political district of coruscant with Destiny, who volunteered to be his search partner. "She might be underground or something." "Or they moved her to another planet." "True." "This is definitely not what I thought I would be doing today." "Those thugs can't hide her forever, somethings bound to come up soon." "Your right." "Let's keep searching." They blasted off to the next area. Meanwhile in a secret location. "What do you possibly hope to accomplish by keeping me in this cell? If I had my gear you'd be gone by now." "We plan to get a glimpse of who ever is destined to defeat us." "And you think kidnapping one of them will help you?" "That is the plan." "Wanna know how you can achieve that goal faster? Tell me where we are exactly so I can tell them. So they can give you a glimpse faster." "SHUT UP." Casey sat on the bench in her cell. "This is turning out to be the worst birthday ever."

    "Well, we've checked the whole planet and no sign of her." "Ugh, where could she be, she said she was on coruscant." "Maybe, it LOOKED like coruscant to her, but she could actually be  on hospian prime, that is also a city planet." "Your right." They hurried to tell the others. "We haven't been there yet, so Casey wouldn't know it wasn't coruscant." "Exactly." "We should redirect our efforts to searching hospian prime." "Good thinking, Jarvis, tell the RRR that we have a new lead and that they should send some people there to search while the rest continue here." "Redirecting suits and drones to go to hospian prime." They blasted off toward hospian prime. "Hang on Casey, we're coming."

    They landed on hospian prime. "Whoa, this place is amazing, the city scenery is more beautiful then coruscant." "We can do a little sightseeing while we search ok." "Yes sir." "We should split up into pairs, if you find Casey, contact the rest of us and wait up before engaging." "Ok." They launched in 4 directions to search for their missing teammate. A few hours later, they had a lock on her. "Jack Peterson to all avengers, we've found her, I repeat, we've found her!" "Meet at Jack's coordinates everyone, we're going in fast and we're going in heavy."

    They all proceeded to jack's location. Wedge Antilles, the leader of the RRR search party there, was already there. "We'll stay out here and prevent anyone from escaping." "Good, you'll do that, while me and my team go in and make the rescue." "If you need backup, just call." "Thank you commander." The iron avengers proceeded to infiltrate the facility. They blasted the door open and rocketed toward the prison block. They met a medium sized force of men along the way. "Go get Casey Jeremy, we'll handle these guys." "Copy that." Jeremy proceeded to the prison block. He blasted what guards he encountered and proceeded to open the cell. "Jarvis, get this door open." "Copy that." Jarvis hacked the door controls and as expected, the door slid opened. "Someone call for a rescue mission, btw, we're on hospian prime, not coruscant." "My mistake, but thank you for getting here quickly." "Now let's get out of here so we can celebrate the rest of our birthday together." "Sounds good to me." "I brought your armor along just in case." Casey got into her armor and joined Jeremy in a dash to join the others. "Jeremy to all units, the bird is released, I repeat, the bird is released!" They rejoined the others. "Glad to see you again Casey." "Let's save the chit chat for later, and get out of here." "Right." They blasted toward the exit. "Oh no you don't." One of the men blasted a rocket at the door. "Is he crazy?! He could blow us all up!" "Accelerate to full velocity, and launch flares." The flares launched as they accelerated to full velocity. The rocket hit the flares and a chain reaction started behind them. "Almost there, just a little further." They reached the exit, and made it out just in time. "Sigh, that was too close for comfort." "Let's agree not to do that again." "Agreed." Casey noticed something in the sky. "We're not out of it yet, look." A giant robot came out of nowhere. "Uh oh."

Our heroes have successfully rescued Casey, but before they could celebrate, a robot came out of nowhere, will they be able to defeat it? Stay tuned.

To be continued.

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