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My feelings toward Taehyung starts to grow bigger and bigger.

But I am not sure if he feels the same thing. I hope he does..

Taehyung's POV

Does she love me? Do I love her?
I think i do..

The feels, I have never been through this before.

I have never fall in love with someone.

I would only play with girls and just left them. But this is different.

Saturday 3.00pm

"Hey hyung" I asked Jin hyung for advice.

"Yo what's up?" he replied.

"Umm how can you know that you're in love with someone?" I asked him while looking away hiding my burning face.

"ARE Youu In LLoVvEe??" he gasped and got excited all of a sudden.

"I don't know.." still looking away from him.

"Aaww my baby is growing up!!" Jin squeeled in my ears.

"Heyy hyung. Dont be too loud.. Shhh" I whispered.

I don't want my hyungs to know about that yet.

"Why don't you... Umm you.. Uh you know... Be in a relationship with her?" He gave me a suggestion and that made me freeze.

"Wha-what?" I asked in confusion

"Yeah, you look cute together though" He added

Do we? Should I?

"You s-sure?" I asked once again

"Yeah of course. I think she likes you too" he made my heart stopped.

I was happy and scared at the same time.

What if she reject me?

What if hate me?

Oh no,

"You dont need to worry. You'll be fine, trust me" he said calming me down.

"Okay, Thanks hyung" i simply said and ran to my room.

Saturday 8.30pm

I spent my 5 hours working on a poster for JangMi.

"Finally, done!!" I yelled as I am done decorating the poster.

It's just a simple poster with the writing " Will You Be My Girl?" And decorated with roses and pink stuffs.

I layed on my bed and closed my eyes, imagining how she will react.

Not long after, I fell a sleep.

Sunday 10.30am

I was woken up by the noise of my alarm telling me that its morning.

I stood up from my bed and ran downstairs directly to the kitchen where everyone is.

"Hyung, I need your help" I said in hurry

"What now? You forgot your homework again?" Namjoon said boringly

"What? No. I wanted to ask JangMi out" I said and looked away in embarrassment.

"Wait WHAT?! you mean JangMi, JAGNMI?!" Jungkook yelled from the corner or the room.

He was about to take the cereal from the shelf but after hearing what i said, he dropped the cereal.
Poor cereal ( ⌣̀_⌣́)

I was schocked by his action though because I thought that he was jealous. So I asked

"Yeah, why? You like her too?"

"Pftt n-no, of course not why would I bftt. Okay so what do you want us to do?" He said like he was hiding something but I shook it off.

"Yeah so this is my plan..." I started to tell them my plan about this hole thing.

Jungkook's POV

"Pftt n-no, of course not why would I bftt. Okay so what do you want us to do?" I said simply hiding my feelings so I changed to the original topic.

I do like JangMi.

Hearing Teahyung's plan, it hurts me a lot

I looked down the hole time while they were discussing.

Maybe i just need to move on..

Monday after school

(Back to JangMi's POV)

I was in the wash room washing my face. Then suddenly, Lisa called me.

"Yo JangMi!" she shouted from out side of the toilet.

"Wait a sec" i replied

I closed the tap and took some tissue to wipe my face.

As i walked outside, I see no Lisa until my eyes were blindfolded.

"Lisssaa!! Dont scare me like that!" i yelled at her and tried to take of the blindfold but she held it tight.

"Lisa what are you doing??" I asked her while trying to pull the blindfold.

"Shhh just calm down" she whispered in my ears that made me shiver.

She lead me somewhere but I didn't know because I was blindfolded.

She stopped walking and I asume that we have arrived.

"Are you ready?" She asked me and made me confused.

"Ready for what?" I asked her back

Then she opened my blindfold and all I can see was a dream come true.

Taehyung was holding a beautiful poster with a writing, "Will You Be My Girl?"

I skipped my heart beat. I coudnt think of anything else except saying yes.

"So, what do you think?" Tae asked me. I can tell that he is very nervous because he was bitting the edge of his lip.


As he walked closer to me, my breath got heavier and heavier.

"Tae, YES!!" The moment I said that, Taehyung's face was shocked af then it turned into a big smile.

He ran towards me and hugged me tightly.

We are officialy together now (*^▽^*)

"I love you JangMi"

"I love you too Tae"

Ooh godd I cant (≧∇≦)/

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