Can a Friend Break Your Heart?

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Can a Friend Break Your Heart?

What exactly is a heartbreak? Many would say it's the feeling as if your heart were breaking after experiencing a loss or betrayal. So, can a friend break your heart?

I would think so.

Anyone who has ever touched our heart in any way, can also harm it. It is difficult to admit, probably even more difficult than a 'normal' heartbreak. At least when you get heartbroken by a lover, you know that's the end, and there was always a possibility this person wouldn't be in your life forever.

But what about a friend? A friend is supposed to be a person that's always there for you, a friend is someone that you can expect and keep in your life forever. So when they break your heart, in some cases, it makes it that much worse.

I had people in my life, 'friends' I called them, that I believed would be in my life forever. However, that's not the case.

A few years ago I started walking my own path, working on myself, focusing on my passion, I even had some hefty downfalls and very depressing periods of my life. And guess who was not there?

I tried calling, texting, talking, and none of that really worked. They always had excuses and a life too busy for even one coffee. Then, I stopped for a couple of years, and this year I tried again.

I'll admit – I did miss them.

We were the kind of friends that shared everything with each other, our first kisses, our first boyfriends, our first everything. So to realize that kind of person was ostracizing you, pushing you out of their life, was in fact, heartbreaking.

But, as you go along and as you grow up, grow older and a different version of yourself, there are some people you need to let go in your life, and stop calling them your friends, rather replacing that with – 'people I used to know'.

But how to spot a toxic, fake friend like that from a real friend?

1. When you ask to hang out with them they always make an excuse

These kind of 'friends' will always make up an excuse for not hanging out with you. And it even won't be hanging out, it'll be just a cup of coffee, or a lunch – they simply won't have time. The worst thing is, deep down, you probably know their excuses are nothing but bullshit.

2. They only call you when they need you

A friend like this will only call you or text you when they need you. They will speak in a 'friendly' manner, asking for a favor like – translating of a text, or writing a paper, or help with something they know is your specialty. If you still want to help them, at least charge them. You know they'd never do it for you. A good friend would call you just to check on you.

3. You're always willing be there for them, but they're never there for you

You're always willing to help them when they're in trouble – may it be problems in school, at home, their love life. You're always willing to listen to all the crap they bestow onto you. But when you're having difficulties, they're simply out of time or out of energy.

4. You stop getting invited to events

You stop getting invited to parties, going-outs, birthdays, any large or small events in their lives. This only proves they no longer see you as a friend, or a part of their life.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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