Don't F*cking Call Me Chris

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I rolled my eyes as I walked into school for the 2,300th time of my life. Welcome back to hell.

I was sick of it. This year was officially my senior year, so after this, I could book it out of Aspen, Colorado, and spend my future days relaxing anywhere but fucking here.

I looked down at my outfit, I was wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a black boyfriend tee, nothing too fancy. I had on my pair of worn-out white Converse that shouldn't be considered white anymore, they were stained mud brown.

This summer had been one of the best ones yet. I spent most of it with my father in Seattle since he and my mother had split up the previous year due to them being workaholics. It was sad to see them separate, but I get to travel a lot more just to see them now. It killed me at first, knowing I couldn't walk down the stairs and see them cuddling on the couch watching a movie. But, everything has a reason as to why it happens.

And it had just happened that my parents were divorced.

I slammed my locker shut and jumped as I saw a person standing directly behind me, staring at me. "Jesus, Sam you scared the shit out of me!" I playfully slapped her arm, and a small grin formed on my face.

"Oh, come on, Rea, you know you missed me. Bring it in!" Samantha had been away for me all summer, except she was living it up in Miami.

I hugged her with an arm that wasn't full of textbooks, so it was an awkward side hug. "I missed my best friend, I had no one to update me on the boys of Aspen High School."

"Well, girl, I got a lot of gossip about them, I'll tell you about it at lunch." She then walked away leaving me stranded in the hallway. She was probably going to go find her newest boy toy of the week.

I sighed when the warning bell rang and I made my way to my first class of the day. Calculus. Probably the absolute worst class to have at seven o'clock in the morning. No amount of coffee could help me pay attention this early. I walked in and immediately took a seat in the back of the room where the teacher couldn't see me and called me for not paying attention. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and smiled at the latest text from Sam.

Do not kill yourself just yet, I just figured out probably one of the juiciest stories to tell you at lunch!

I'll try not to, can't wait to hear about it. TTYL.

As soon as the final bell rang I internally groaned, my senior year was officially starting. And I couldn't wait for it to end. One hundred seventy-nine days to go.

The teacher called our names, the class all muttered their 'here's' and I went back to playing one of the latest addicting games on my phone.

The door swung open and everyone's attention dropped to the sleek-looking boy that came strolling into class. He didn't look like he was fixing to have a heart attack because he was late for the first day, he looked...relaxed.

Something I wish I could be right now.

He wore a pair of black jeans with holes in the knees, paired with a white t-shirt that clung to his body perfectly. He had a black pair of Vans on which made a slight grin form on my face. I had just gotten my brother those for his nineteenth birthday.

Who was this guy? I had never seen him around before.

The teacher clears his throat, "Well, you must be Mr. Sands. Nice of you to join us today, take a seat." He gestured to one of the few empty seats placed across the classroom. One which had happened to be next to me.

I watched as his body moved through the sea of students and his figure sat down in the seat next to mine. My breath hitched in my throat as I caught a whiff of his cologne, which smelled divine. There was a hint of cinnamon in it which drove my nose insane, wanting to keep smelling him. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and noticed the faint cuts and bruised battered on his face and neck.

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