Live Fast, Die Young

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Another Friday means another night I'm being dragged out of my house by my terrible friends. They aren't terrible I just hate the decisions they make. Mostly Sam's. She's the daredevil of our friend group. Always wanting to be the center of attention.

Me? I just like to chill in the background. Yet, I somehow still make myself noticeable and can't hide.

I was wearing this cute gray lace-up top with black leggings. I put a leather jacket on top and pulled on a pair of Converse. I left my hair in its natural state, wavy. I did my makeup lightly not caring about my appearance. Not like I had anyone to impress.

I wonder if Christian would be there.

My mind wanders back to just a few weeks ago when I was sleeping in his bed. Next to him. Cuddling. Who knew the bad boy was such a cuddler? I laugh at the memory before I hear a knock on the door. The girls must be here.

I never told my friends about the sleepover. I guess I was just nervous as to how they would react. Sam would get jealous while Bethany would low-key high-five me and congratulate me. Two kinds of girls.

When I opened the door I was indeed correct, it was Sam. I peeked behind her to realize that it was neither of their cars. I walked up and opened the back door to see Christian. I slid into the middle seat and Sam was on the outside. I was smushed. I hated being small. Logan was driving and he sent me a smirk, Bethany was seated next to him.

I peeked over to Christian and squeaked out, "Hey." Gosh, why am I so awkward?

"Sup?" He bluntly responded. How was I supposed to carry on a conversation after that? I fiddled around with the bracelet on my right arm.

"Alright, bitches who's ready to party?" Sam shouts next to me as she pulls out a bottle of fireball. I roll my eyes and grab the drink out of her hand before taking a sip and gulping down the fiery taste in my mouth.

Christian snags the bottle out of my hands and I let out a small gasp in shock. He smirks and leans over towards my ear, "You look sexy tonight." I feel my cheeks heat up and he sends me a wink before taking a long sip of the liquor.

When we arrive at the party I'm immediately dragged into the party with my best friends. Our arms were linked together as we walked through the huge house. Now where's the kitchen? We reach the kitchen and I immediately make my way to the unopened beer bottles in the cooler.

Suddenly I feel a presence behind me and I tense up, "Get me one too?" He asks. I turn around and smile and hand him the beer in my hand and grab another for me.

"So, what brings you here tonight, Mr. Sands?" I take a swig of the beer as I stare into his beautiful blue eyes. I could feel myself getting lost in them.

He smirks, "Well, Miss Anderson, there was nothing else to do on this lovely Friday and Logan offered to bring me to apparently the hottest party of the year."

"Not like you have a business to run or anything, right?"

He let out a sexy, and I mean sexy, chuckle, "Yeah but I left my brother in charge of that tonight. Let's hope he doesn't fuck up."

I pursed my lips and nodded before hearing the dance music pounding throughout the house. "Want to dance?"

His eyes widen and he bites his lip, "With you, sure."

I feel my cheeks burn as we walk to the living room where sweaty bodies are everywhere in the room dancing on each other. I led him to a corner where we would have a little bit of privacy. I chugged my beer before setting it down and reminding myself to just get a new one later.

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