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Today I graduated college with my bachelor's in pre-veterinary with an acceptance at the College of Veterinary Medicine in California to get my doctorate in the fall.

All while this happened, I had the sweetest boy by my side. I'm not going to lie; we went through a very rough patch in our junior year. I spent most of my time at one of my friend's houses while he lived at the house and partied and did things that I'm not proud of him doing.

The day he wanted to get back together was the day his parents had gotten into a car accident. He called me for the first time in two weeks and told me the news. I met him at a coffee shop on our campus and we caught up and he asked me to come see his parents with him. We flew up to LAX the next morning and ever since we reconnected again, we haven't been apart.

You must lose something first to realize how much it means to you.

His parents ended up being fine; only had a couple of broken bones. They are both healed now though.

Clayton, Christian's younger brother decided to go to school at NYU and start expanding the business to the east coast as well. He met an actress trying to make it big in the city and they live right in Central Park together.

Christian and I are moving to California in a few weeks. I'm excited. Ever since he took me four years ago, I fell in love with the state, and I can't wait to finish my life there. I hope I can work on celebrities' animals.

He hadn't asked me to marry him yet. I think he was waiting for us to graduate first. I'm not sure when he's going to pop the question, but I hope it's soon. I really would love to be Mrs. Reagan Sands. We both went to Seattle to visit my father over Christmas break a few months ago. I think he asked permission then. He was being very secretive.

My mother got married to that cute doctor she was seeing when I left high school. They're super happy together and that makes me happy. My dad is married to the business though. I try to go see him as often as possible.

My older brother plays professional football for the Miami Dolphins, I knew he would make it big. He has two little kids and a wide. They're the cutest family.

And me? I'm just living life. I can't wait to start my future.

"Baby I'm home!" Christian shouts as I hear the front door slam from the bedroom.

"In the bedroom!" I shout. I had a surprise planned for him.

I was still dressed in my black dress from graduation. I had gotten him something he had always wanted. He had gone to go get a celebratory bottle of wine from the grocery store so I decided I should do it now.

One of the things I found out about Christian while dating him was that he loved Mamma Mia. Like loved. I'm not sure why. I did a little research and found something related to that he would love.

He walks into the room, smiles, and holds the bottle in his hand. "Your favorite," he shows me the label before planting a kiss on my lips.

"Mhm, thank you," I pat the bed, "sit I have a surprise!"

"You're not gonna handcuff me again, are you?" He asks curiously as I get the bag out of the closet.

"Not tonight at least," I winked at him before handing him the present.

He looks at me weirdly before opening the present slowly. He takes the card in his hand and reads it. He looks up at me before looking back down at the paper, "You're shitting me, right?"

I shake my head and sit by him, "Nope, me and you, Greece for an entire week."

He pursed his lips before pulling me into a hug, "Gosh, I love you so damn much."

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