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I rolled over hitting the snooze button on my alarm clock. I hate Mondays.

I grabbed my phone off of my nightstand and let my eyes adjust to the screen as I checked my messages. Just endless numbers of Snapchat from my friends.

I crawled out of bed and put on a pair of leggings and a Colorado State football shirt I had stolen from my brother. I hope he doesn't miss it. I slipped on a pair of running shorts and placed my hair into a ponytail. I finished my daily routine and sighed when I looked in the mirror. There is no need to impress anyone on a Monday.

I grabbed my book bag and ran down the stairs to the kitchen for some breakfast. I looked through the cabinets for something to eat before settling on a bowl of cereal. Fruit loops to be exact. After my breakfast, I hopped in my car and drove to my least favorite place in the world. School.

As I drove to school I started to think. I hadn't spoken to Christian since Saturday when he dropped me off at home. I wonder if he would even talk to me. I mean we almost kissed, what are we going to do about that? Let's not forget I slept in his bed.

Oh god.

I pulled into the school parking lot and waited a minute before I walked into the school. Not that I didn't want to see my friends or anything, it was just way too early. I play on my phone for a minute before I notice a tap on my window. I furrow my eyebrows and look up to see him.

I rolled down my window, "Uh, Hey?" I didn't really enjoy talking to people until at least eight. It was just way too early in my opinion.

He looked dazed and super relaxed, "Hey."

I looked closer to him and noticed that his eyes were a fiery red. I bit my lip before asking, "Are you high?"

He laughed and nodded, "High on life baby."

"You're gonna get in so much trouble. Do you have eye drops?" I ask curiously.

He shakes his head, "Nope."

I rolled my eyes, "Get in my car, I have some somewhere." He obeys my order before jogging around to the other side of my car and getting in the passenger seat.

I rummage through the center console before spotting a small bottle of eye drops. "So why do you have this?" He curiously asks.

"For moments like this when I get high in public." I shrug.

I try to hand him the bottle but his mouth just hangs open, "You smoke?"

I rolled my eyes, "I thought we already established I'm not the perfect poster child."

"I know, I'm just shocked." He laughs, "Probably because I'm high."

I laugh and hang him the bottle and he just stares at it. I stare at him, "Are you not gonna put them in?"

"Reagan, I can barely count to twelve. Can you do it for me?" He suggestively asks. I groan and lean over the console towards him and squirt the liquid into his eyes. After I'm done I make no move to move noticing that I'm only a few inches away from his face.

He stares at me and his eyes flicker towards my lips and before I realize it I lean away, "We should probably go to class."

He continues to stare at me, making no effort to get out of my car. Before I turn the car off he grabs my hand. "Wanna go get some breakfast? I'm fuckin starving."

I laugh, "Munchies?" He tilts his head back laughing and nods. "Well, I guess we can skip. Your coffee house?"

"Sounds divine. Now drive." I silently send myself a prayer as I drive to the coffee house that my mother does not answer the phone when the school calls to inform me that I am late. I mean not that she was ever here as it was, but she would be pissed if she saw that I had skipped without her permission.

Eh, she can get over it.

I pulled into the parking lot and my stomach grumbled. Cereal doesn't fill me up at all. We get out of the car and I have to wait on Christian's slow ass. He is literally walking like he is in slow motion or something. We quickly sit down at a table and I look over the menu as he just stares at me. "what?" I ask.

He shivers as if he were in some sort of trance and blinks his eyes a couple of times before sending me a sloppy grin, "Sorry, zoned out."

He looks over the menu before calling one of the waitresses over, "I'll have one of, Uh, everything."

I gasped, "Of everything?"

"I'm fuckin starving." He casually replies, "Plus I own the place, I can do whatever I want."

I roll my eyes and tell the lady my order. "So why are you high at," I look at the clock on my phone, "eight in the morning on a Monday?"

He stares straight into my eyes as if he is trying to figure something out before leaning back in his seat, "It helps me focus and relax better."

"Focus?" I raise my eyebrow, "I barely have your attention now!"

He bursts out laughing before staring at me once again. I hate having his attention all on me. "Reagan."


"Are you gonna eat that?" He asks pointing to the plate of food that had just been set on my side of the table.

I roll my eyes, "Eat your own food, you dingbat!" He groaned and started to stuff his face with muffins and whatnot as I stared at him with shock and excitement.

After our lovely meal, I was going to go back to school but he insisted we go back to his place because he was so tired and wanted to watch a movie. So, I drove us to his house and we started to watch 10 Things I Hate About You, my choice of course. About ten minutes in he had passed out with his head in my lap. He looked like he was in an awfully uncomfortable position.

I mean I was pretty comfy myself, so I wasn't going to complain. I watched the entire movie while playing with his hair. God, it was soft!

How do guys always have such nice hair when they use a 5-in-1 shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, and deodorant?

It's not fair.

And yeah, I know, I'm over-exaggerating. I would hope people don't use 5-in-1 bottles. That scares me to even think about that...

About an hour later Christian starts to stir and he finally wakes up and his piercing blue eyes stare up at me. "Hey, you're still here!" His eyes were still a little fuzzy looking but it should go away soon.

I chuckled, "Well I couldn't really get up, you're heavy."

He grinned before sitting up, "You hungry?" I nod and we make our way to the kitchen in search of something to eat for lunch. We ended up eating turkey sandwiches since he had eaten all of the peanut butter the other day. As we eat in silence I just can't help but stare at this guy, I mean I just want to know his whole life story.

Something about him is just so...intriguing. Like if I figured out his deepest darkest secret I could set him free.

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