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A/N - just letting you guys know this is my first book, and I really hope y'all like it. i'm aiming to add a new chapter at least once a week maybe more than that. and i don't care if i get no votes on this i will still continue it. love y'all

I remember it all so clearly, maybe a little too clearly. That night, that one night that turned my entire life around. 3 years ago today, my parents, friends and even random strangers were killed because of me. Why, well I would have to go back to the very beginning the night i "died" seven weeks before the “accident”.

*3 years and 7 weeks ago*

Me, Cas, Esme and Faith were running off to our weekly mixed martial arts (MMA) training meeting, which we were late for. Yet again. We’ve been doing MMA since we were 10, so like six years ago. But every meeting, which is held on the first saturday at 10am every month, we are late. why are we always late. Well that’s because of princess Faith, who likes to sleep till 9:30am and likes to spend an hour doing her hair and make-up. So naturally today is just like any day and we are again half an hour late for the meeting.

We run into the Mess Hall of school at exactly 10:36am. “Cas, Valentina, Esme and Faith about time you guys showed up you’re exactly 36 minutes late. That’s a new record. Sit down you have some catching up to do, we were just discussing the MMA competition that we will be competing in, in 7 weeks” Master Lauren said. I sat down between Xander and Derek. “Oi Valentina, why were you late this time?” Derek asks.

“Oh well let’s see your girlfriend Esme couldn’t wake up Faith until 9:30 and then Faith had to do her hair and make-up like always” I sarcastically replied.

“Jesus, no need to bite my balls of princess, I thought you would have fixed that issue by now. Six years is a long time to not be able to get your shit together.”

“Don’t piss me off sweety, or your non-existent balls are going to get chopped off with a plastic spoon”

“Oh fuck better watch out Derek. I’m sure Esme wouldn’t want to play with a ball less prick, if you if you know what I mean” My boyfriend Xander replied, raising an eyebrow.

“Xander and Valentina, it’s your turn to spar, then after that it will be Faith and Esme” Master Lauren said. Xander and I got up and walked over to the blood red sparing mats.

Perfect colour in case someone gets badly injured…

“Don’t break a nail princess.” Xander mocked at me.

“Hahaha, I’m pretty sure my balls are bigger than yours sweety” I spat back. Then I dropped to my knees kicked one leg out spun and watched as Xander fell to the ground from the kick. I then straddled him, pinning his legs down with my thighs and his hands with my right arm. Then I put my face quite close with his and whispered “Oh look at that I didn’t even break a nail.”

“Okay Valentina, let Xander up and we’ll let Faith and Esme spar.” Lauren said.

“Awe no fair we were just getting started Lauren.” I whined.

“Valentina, the meeting is nearly over and since we don’t have training sessions, sparring has been cut short. You should know that by now.”

“Fine” I got off of Xander and went and sat down next to Derek. Xander followed and sat next to me. “Faith, Esme it’s your turn girls.” Lauren called. Faith and Esme jumped on the sparring mats and within 30 seconds Esme was being held down by Faith. “Faith, let Esme up please. We don’t want her getting hurt” Lauren yelled.

“Aight I’m letting her up. You know I wouldn’t hurt her sis.” Faith replied.

“I highly doubt that.”

“Hey! I’m a nice person.”

“Whatever, okay guys the session is over see you next month. Don’t forget to train every night. Okay.” Lauren said.

“Bye Master Lauren” the group called.

“Hey Faith, Cas, Xander, Esme and Valentina, wanna come back to mine to watch a movie or just hang?” Derek called out. We all walked over to him nodding to say we’d go. “Sweet, we will have to walk though.” Derek said.  We all headed off to Derek’s place. As we were walking Faith decided to play some music. “Hey guys, what do you wanna listen to?” Faith called out.

“How about You and I by One Direction?” Esme offered.

“HELL FREAKING NO!” The boys yelled in unison.

“I got it lets listen to Low!” I said.

“Great choice Valentina.” Faith said, as she hit the play button on her IPhone. Within seconds we were all dancing and screaming the lyrics like crazy drunk people. The song ended just as we arrived at Derek’s house.

 Derek’s P.O.V

“I got it lets listen to Low!” Valentina screamed.

“Great choice Valentina” Faith said. Straight after that Faith hit the play button, and the rest of the group danced and sang like drunken retards on crack. As the song ended we turned the corner and arrived at my house. I walked up to the door unlocked it and let the girls in first. “Awe thanks Derek” Faith cooed.

“You are very much welcome, bitch” I replied.

“Hey Derek, I’d watch it if I were you. I wouldn’t want your balls getting chopped off” Cas retorted.

“Yeah Derek, I may not want to get dirty. But if there is pain directed at you I wouldn’t mind” Valentina spat at me.

“Come at me bitch” I yelled. Without any warning Valentina ran full pelt at me and tackled me to the ground. She then punched me in the gut three times, got up and skipped over to the couch then sat down.

“Sorry babe, did that hurt?” Valentina asked sarcastically. I got up walked over to the couch and sat on her. She attempted to scream abuse at me while hitting me but failed miserably. See the relationship that me and Valentina have is amazing we are like best friends except in reality we are actually brother and sister and if anyone hurt her who wasn’t me I’d kill them.

“Get off me you fat, dick biscuit!!!” Valentina screamed at me. I jumped off of her and walked over to the rest of the gang. Valentina then got up, and hugged Xander from behind whispering sweet nothings in his ear. I found it absolutely repulsive. 


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