Chapter 4 - A new discovery

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A/N: So sorry that the new chapter took so long. I've been working and studing. I've had to look after my nine year old sister. I also had to go to the doctors alot due to depression anywho I love you guys so much and here is my new chapter. Enjoy!

“I just broke up with my boyfriend of six years, because he was very pushy and he constantly wanted me to have sex with him all the time, even when I never wanted it.” I snapped at him.

“Oh honey, I never knew. I never wanted to hurt you Valentina”

“BULLSHIT! You only want what is best for you. You only want to use me.”

“Uh Ian, I’m here to meet my new partner” muttered a boy of about 17 years.

“Ethan there you are, Valentina and I were just waiting for you to turn up” Ian calmly stated.

“I don’t believe you Ian, I heard her yelling at you. I also saw you trying to fuck her.”

Ian then advanced on Ethan, pushed him against the wall held his face an inch away from Ethan and whispered something incomprehensible. And then finally backed away leaving Ethan there in his place.

“Valentina this is Ethan and he is going to be your partner for the rest of both of your lives.” Ian said.

“Hello Valentina, I hope we can become friends during our time together.” Ethan purred.

“You and Ethan will be training together, working together and living together, so I expect you two to get along swimmingly”

“Well Ethan I do hope we can be friends and maybe one day we could be more than friends. Until then shall we get to our living quarters?” I calmly stated.

“If that is fine with Ian I believe we best be off.” Ethan replied.

“That is fine by me. Valentina your training will start tonight and Ethan will be your trainer. Goodbye children” Ian said.

Ethan and I then started walking off towards our living quarters or house as Ian called it. As we were walking Ethan put his arm around my waist. We then got to the door of our house, Ethan unlocked the door and led me to my room, which already had my clothes, photos of my family and friends and some extra gear that I didn’t own but noticed it was weapons and black leather training gear. This place is gorgeous and has to be expensive. How the fuck does Ian afford all this shit. And boy oh boy is Ethan a gentleman and a sexy one at that. Surprisingly I want to fuck him. But first I want to gain his trust. Especially if we are going to be killing people together.

“Valentina this will be our room. Sorry if it seems like and invasion of space but Ian said we will be sharing this house, this room and the double bed in it. If you have any objections to that I have no issues in sleeping on the couch.” Ethan said snapping me back to reality.

“No it is fine. Sharing a bed, a house and a room with you will be fine. I honestly don’t mind.” I replied.

“Well that is amazing Valentina. I believe we have approximately one hour until you and I have to start your first training session. You best have a shower and put on your black leather training gear.”

“Okay Ethan, see you in a hour love”

“Love?” Ethan quizzed and then walked into our joint bathroom. Shit that was a mistake why the hell did I call him love? God he is going to hate me now. This makes everything so awkward. Why did I do that? I just ruined my chances of ever being friends with him let alone anything more.

I then followed Ethan into the bathroom with my toothbrush, hairbrush, training gear and a fresh set of panties in hand. I turned around to face the double head shower that was indefinitely made for two. I then started to strip off as Ethan stepped into the shower. I hopped into the shower and tried to avert my eyes from staring at him so much.

“Are you alright Valentina? You seem to be struggling to focus on anything but me. I guess it was a bad idea for us to both shower at the same time.” Ethan sulked.

“No Ethan its fine I just couldn’t help but notice all the terrible scars you have. Is this what happens after working with Ian for so long?” I quizzed.

“Yes sadly this is the downside of working in such a highly paid assassination company. Especially when your targets are usually of some supernatural orient.”

“Supernatural orient?”

“Oh I’m guessing Ian didn’t tell you this. Most of our targets are rouge vampires, werewolves that have eaten a person, warlocks who use black magic, faeries who have cause too much trouble through their harsh truths and dangerous shadow hunters who summon demons and associate themselves with rouge downworlders.”

“Wait what are shadow hunters? How can the truth be so dangerous that it requires someone being sent to their death? Why me?”

“Shadow hunters are part angel part human warrior that kill demons but they work side by side with the downworlders. Faeries are half demon half angel creatures that cannot lie but can tell the truth as they see it which usually ends in mortal deaths. And you were chosen for this because from a young age you were marked by the shadow hunters to be one of them.”

“Marked? I don’t think that’s right. The only thing that could possibly relate to all this is my mother’s death.”

“What age were you when your mother died?”

“It happened ten years ago when I was six. Why?”

“You are the warrior that was prophesised.”

“Warrior, I think you are mistaken.”

“No I can see it now you have Amazonian features just like the woman who died ten years ago at the hand of a warlock.”

“Well my mother was part Amazonian. But that explains nothing.”

“It proves that you are the one who will bring the silents, downworlders and shadow hunters together.”


“Yeah that is what we are called. After we finish our six months of training.”

Ethan and I then hopped out of the shower. Ethan stayed in the bathroom while I went into the bedroom to get ready. I put on my black leather training pants, a white button up top, black leather jacket and black knee high combat boots. I then went to the mirror, dried my raven black hair and threw it up into a messy ponytail. I then sat on the bed and waited for Ethan to get ready, while I waited I took out my phone and listened to my favourite song “Carry on my Wayward Son”.

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