Chapter 3 - A turn for the worst

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A/N: sorry about not updating so often. had writers black for ages, and a lot of stress going on as well. anywho here is the new chapter as promised.

Xander’s P.O.V

“No I don’t want that and you don’t care about me” Valentina yelled as she stormed out the door. I watched her as she left. There was nothing I could say to stop her. I wanted to hold her close and tell her how much I loved her and how much I cared, but NO all I could do was watch her leave. What hurt the most was the look on her face, when she looked at me, it was a look of pure and utter disgust. I walked out into the lounge-room to have the girls and Cas stare at me as if they just witnessed me murder someone.

“Hey guys. So what movie are we watching again?” I casually asked as if I wasn’t upset about anything. Derek walked back into the lounge-room with a look of stone cold pure hatred plastered on his face. He looked like he wanted to slaughter me.

“What did you do to Vally mate?” Derek spat at me.

“Nothing, it’s what I didn’t do that hurt her. I swear.” I pleaded.

 “That is a load of crap and you know it Xander.”

“It’s not Derek, I didn’t comfort Valentina. I didn’t show her that I cared. I hate myself for doing this to her. I’m sorry Derek”

“So she was right, all you want from her is her body and what she can give you.”

“NO it’s not like that Derek!” Derek then pinned me against the wall and held his face two inches from mine. He then swung his fist back and punched me in the gut with all his force. It winded me so bad that I threw up blood. I’m pretty sure I was internally bleeding. He then let go of me, grabbed his jacket and walked out the front door.

Derek’s P.O.V

I hit Xander pretty hard now that I think about it. But he did deserve it. He hurt Vally and she isn’t at any of her usual ‘get away’ spots. Wait is that her jacket. Oh no what if she got hurt, lost or worse kidnapped and raped. Oh god I have to get back to the house. I storm through the front door and scare the balls out of the rest of the group.

“Derek where’s Vally?” Faith quizzed as fear flashed across her pale blue eyes.

“I don’t know Faith. She isn’t at any of her usual spots and I found her jacket a few feet away from her main ‘get away’ spot. The one near Ian’s.” I replied, feeling the fear flood into me.

“You don’t think she was….. You know, ‘kidnapped’?”

“I think she might have been. She said she was being stalked a while ago”

“What and you didn’t think of telling us this. Let alone telling me.” Xander piped up.

“She made me swear not to tell the gang. And why would I tell you, you would just go ape at her for being so wanted” I snapped.

“I would not. I know she is a gorgeous girl. But if someone was bothering her I would help her find ways to discourage him or her.” Xander calmly stated.

“You’re lying mate, I know it. How can you say all this now, but not to her face?”

“I got flustered. I thought it was going to end the way all our convos do. I thought that was what she wanted. I’m sorry.”

“How did you get that vibe? She looked scared and pissed? What is your issue?”

“Look I already feel bad just leave me be”

“You are being a little hard on him Derek” Faith piped up.

“Oh, I’m being a little too hard on the prick who made my sister and your best friend storm out of the house, run away and then get kidnapped and possibly raped? He deserves everything he gets and more Faith you know that” I yelled back.

“Derek please calm down. I know you’re distraught, but we need to stay calm, for Valentina”

“You’re right Faith. I might just go calm down in my room” I then walked off to my room and sat on my bed thinking. I swear to god if Vally gets hurt, that son of a bitch Xander is going to die. Honestly how could he think that all she wanted was sex? My God He’s an idiot and he deserves an ass whooping.  I get up and walk to my window, as I look outside I see smoke coming from around the area where Vally usually goes to ‘get away’. Just before I turn to run to the other room to check if Vally is out there I see the massive flames licking up towards the sky. Oh shit, oh shitfuck I hope Vally isn’t in there. I run out of my room back into the lounge-room. “Guys I just saw Vally’s favourite ‘get away’ spot go up in flames. We need to check it out and see that she wasn’t there.” I yelled frantically.

“Wait! Are you joking Derek. Cause if you aren’t, we should leave, ten minutes ago.” Faith yelled back even more frantically. Faith, Xander, Cas and Esme all jumped up, grabbed their jackets and got out the front do in record time. Faith then started leading them all to Valentina’s favourite ‘get away’ spot. As soon as we turned the corner I heard everyone’s hearts shatter. Valentina’s favourite ‘get away’ spot was burnt to the ground and I could just make out the remains of a body wearing Valentina’s titanium bracelet. As I turned away I saw all the hope leave Faith’s eyes as she too noticed the bracelet. “Derek, its true Vally was here and she’s now dead cause of Xander.” Faith cried.

“Hey it’s not my fault that Valentina chose this ‘get away’ spot tonight” Xander piped up.

“Oh you have got to be kidding me. Mr Perfect doesn’t think he deserves the blame for Vally running away” I yelled.

“Look mate I understand that you may be experiencing some pain and grief shit. But that is no reason to blame her death on me.”

“Actually hun, it was your fault. I mean if you didn’t try to fondle Valentina, then ignore her please for you to stop. She wouldn’t have gone to any ‘get away’ spot. And there wouldn’t be any change of her getting hurt or killed.” Esme calmly replied, as if she wasn’t hurting.

“Oh so if I didn’t this wouldn’t of happened. You don’t think I’m hurting enough. You don’t think I’m already blaming myself because if this.” Xander sobbed.

“Look it might be best if we all go back to Derek’s and stay the night” Faith said. So we all walked back to mine. Got ready for bed and popped on a movie…

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