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"Why do you eat so much your going to get fat" her mom commented as they were at some big dinner for her work. "Sorry" was all she mumbled as Kathy took the plate away.

"I'm going to the bathroom" she excused herself from the table and ran off to the bathroom so she could use her phone. No phones at the table apparently.

Texts {bold is Jonah}

Hey baby I know you have a dinner to be at tonight but you think you could get an Uber home? It's your birthday I wanna celebrate.

I can try babe

You don't have to if you don't want to it was just a thought.

No no I do I'll see you at like 9

Yay ok I miss you baby girl I feel like I haven't seen you in ages.

Jonah I was with you this morning 😂

Right....iTs StIlL a LoNg TiMe

Hah sure

You should probably go I'll see you in a bit. Make sure you eat ok? Ily princess

Ya see you in a bit, I already ate. Ily jo jo


He was really the only one who cared about her besides Zach jack and Daniel. She was special to him.

"Why am I so fat" she looked at herself in the mirror, shirt half pulled up to expose her actually skinny figure. "Ugh need to stop eating so much" she told herself as she walked out of the bathroom just in time to leave and go to Jonah.

This is short for a reason

Princesses (Jonah Marais) [complete]Where stories live. Discover now