Chapter One

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The Corleone Family and the others received an invitation to Miss Constanzia Corleone's wedding on Saturday, August 1945. Her Father Don Vito Corleone, has not forgot his old friends. Even though he lives in a huge house on Long Island, he still hasn't forgot about them. The wedding took place in that house. The Japanese war has ended; there's no doubt one soldier will make it to the grand party.

On that day, Vito's friends went to him for favors. Each of them respecting The Godfather. Don Vito Corleone would do anything to help his friends; he would never let his promises be broken. There's only one way you can repay him, and that's his friendship and good manners.

Vito Corleone greeted all of his guests that he trusted. Anything that was cooked or bartended by those people were his friends. Heck, even the band that was playing were his good friends. No matter if you're rich or poor, he always showed equal love with all of his friends.

His Eldest son, Sonny Corleone, was a tall Italian with brown curly hair. His muscular features made him look handsome. He was a lady's man of course. Some of the bridesmaids couldn't keep their eyes off him. He was married man with three children but that didn't stop him from fooling around with the maid of honor, Lucy Mancini. The young girl was stalking him like an animal would for his prey. Sonny noticed and did nothing to stop it.

Don's second oldest son was Fredo. He was a loyal kind-hearted man. Sweet and gentle. He was always there for his father when it came to tuff business. He wasn't the handsome one out of the bunch but he charmed his way with women through his good manners. He didn't have the strength or persona for a leader of men, He didn't seem like the type of man to run the family business.

The third and youngest son was Michael. Unlike his brothers, Michael Corleone did not want to get involve with his fathers business. He sat at a table in a secluded corner of the garden. Michael was different from his brothers, He wasn't as tough looking, like his brother Sonny. No, instead he had straight, jet black hair with olive brown skin and eyes that would bore into your soul making you feel like you've known him for a long time.

When World War Two broke he volunteered for the marine corps. His father wasn't exactly thrilled with idea of his son fighting for the nations 'freedom' or simple lack of take over. After the war he went to College. For the wedding, he wore his military suit. Next to him was the American Girl everyone had heard but not seen until that day. Kay Adams.

He introduced her to everyone in the wedding. His family weren't too impressed with her. She was too thin and fair. She was intelligently naive and always seemed nosy. Michael noticed but pretend to not care by amusing Kay with his Family stories. Michael also noticed how Kay was curiously looking at a group of men huddled together. To fill her curiosity he replied, "They're waiting to see my father in private. They have favors to ask."

By now the wedding was packed indicating that most of the guests had arrived except one hasn't fully arrived yet. Don noticed but hasn't said anything about it yet.

Elena watched the scene before her from the corner of the garden. Sitting next to her is her young cousin Alejandro. She hasn't gone out to greet anybody yet. Still waiting for The Godfather She hated socializing with people. She found it amusing that all of these people were happy and joyful, and full of glee, not realizing what the other half of the family was doing behind their backs.

Elena came from an Italian and Mexican family. Her Father from Mexico and her mother from Italy. She was born in Italy but mostly raised in Mexico. She never knew what happened to her parents. But she'll never forget the day when her parents dropped her off at her aunts doorstep at midnight, hugging her mother as she sobbed on her shoulder one last time before they entered their car only to be shot and killed while driving.

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