Chapter Three

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The phone rang again. Hagen threw the papers onto the desk with a sigh. This was his second phone call, the first was Connie asking what her father and brothers wanted for Christmas. Tom finally answered.

"Tom," Michael said. "I'm driving to the city tomorrow with Kay. There's something important I need to tell the old man before Christmas. Will he be home tomorrow night?"

"Sure," Hagen answered.

Michael hung up the phone and sat beside his girlfriend on the bed. "Michael why did you lie to him? Y'know that wasn't very nice." She grinned. Kay knew fully well he wanted to spend time with her. She just wanted to hear him say it.

"Well if I said yes to him then we would have to go down there right away and not have any time for ourselves." He smiled and put his arms around her.

"Oh Michael. You're irresistible sometimes." She kissed his pouty lips and snuggled closer to him. "Tell me, would you marry me if I was Rita Hayworth?" She asked in a half-joking manner.

"Is it too late to switch?" Michael smiled as Kay punched him playfully on his shoulder. "I can't wait until we get married." She sighed. "I'm kind of hungry. Why don't we go downstairs and grab a bite."

And so they did.

While Michael was paying for their food he told Kay to wait by the newsstand. After he payed he came back and noticed Kay's distraught face while holding a news article in front of her "Oh Michael!" She cried. He took the paper out of her hands and the first thing he looked at was the heading of the Newspaper.


Then a picture below it. His father laying with a pool of blood around him on the middle of the road. His brother was pictured weeping on the side of the curb. Then he saw someone he wouldn't expect. Elena trying to stop the blood oozing out of him as she tried covering his fathers wounds. Michael froze. Guilt and rage was building up inside of him. "We have to go now." Michael said urgently.

Before they left he called his brother Sonny to inform him he was on his way over asking details about his father. He dropped Kay off at her parents first then arrived at his fathers house. The house was packed, filled with unknown people inside that Michael didn't know. He saw Hagen's wife sitting on the sofa crying. Then Clamenza, Vito's long-time friend showed up.

"Your mothers at the hospital with your father right now. He'll be alright." He said.

But Michael wasn't so sure about it. Then the word was out that Tom was taken for a proposition from Sollozzo after having a disagreement with the Don. Making matters even worse for the family.

"What about Fredo?" He asked.

"He's at the hospital too. It was too much of a shock for him. Doctors gave him a shot. He's sleeping."

Sonny entered the living room and found his brother in deep thought. "Don't worry moms at the hospital. Pops will pull through." Sonny said to ease him out a bit.

"What about us? Shouldn't we go down there and visit him?" Michael asked as he sat down on one of the chair near by. Concern written all over his face.

Sonny shook his head and took a few steps to their fathers office. He stopped at the doorframe, "I can't leave yet. I gotta take care of some business kid."

But Michael has had enough. He didn't like the fact that he was always treated as a little kid and being reminded he's the youngest one out of the two brothers. He sauntered over to the desk and peeked over his brother's shoulder.

A list of written names on a piece of paper waiting to be killed. Was his brother going turn out like their father? "I can help." Michael said.

But Sonny shook his head and rejected his offer. "Pops would have my head if I let you get involved on this."

Michael stood and argued, "Oh please. I've been in the war mind you. I've killed some people. I've seen it all before. He is my father after all, let me help."

Sonny grinned at his brother for the outburst he made. He sure had a temper tantrum. "Alright. Stick with the phone. There are a couple of people who are out there trying to get to the old man."  Sonny sat down and rested one hand on his chin while the other was on the arm rest. "We need a plan."

"You're not going all out are you?" Michael hesitantly asked. He knew his brother had a big ego when it came to being competitive and such.

"Of course I am. How else are we going to get back at them? They have Tom for crying out loud!" Sonny shouted.

"Why not wait til pop tells us what to do?" Michael asked

"No we have to eliminate all five families. It's the only way to get out of this mess. This is what pops would have done." Sonny answered. "I'll send Luca to do the dirty business. Sollozzo needs to be dead." He added.

Michael shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He didn't like seeing his brother have a list of names of people who are meant to be killed. His brother, who was once a nice man you could easily have fun with, has turned into something dark and evil. He was glad he was not part of this mess. The silence in the room was interrupted by scream.

It was Hagen's wife. Michael stood up and ran to open the door. The whole living room was crowded with people including Tom. He was holding his wife Theresa. She was sobbing and clinging to Tom. Tom lets go of his wife and looks at Michael with a small smile.

"Glad to see you Mike."

Elena sat in the waiting room of the hospital, her leg bouncing nervously, fingers fiddling with the sleeve of her coat. It has been over an hour since the incident and both Vito and Fredo were hospitalized. It was too much for Fredo to handle so she let them take him to another room.

"Ms. Costíana?"

Elena looked at the young nurse who called her name who was sitting behind a wooden desk. Elena stood up and slowly made her way over, her heels clicking with every step she took.

"That would be me." She lightly said.

The nurse looked up at her and instantly recognized the pretty brunette standing in front of her. Elena was known as the prettiest dame on the streets of New York. Many women envied her and men wanted to be with her. Every time she walked downtown women would often whisper mean things about her and glare her way while men and husbands lusted and fantasized about her. Often times she thought her beauty was a curse.

"What's your relation to Mister Corleone?" The young nurse uttered clearly not being as welcoming as before after seeing her.

Elena thought about it for a minute. The Corleones were like family to her even if they weren't blood-related. She wasn't sure how to answer the question.

"Well he's not-"

"I'm sorry but only visitors who are related are allowed at this time."

Elena nodded not even taken back by her tone of voice. She was used to other women being the same way around her. It use to make her upset but she learned to get use to it. She walked back to the chair and sat down with a sigh.

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