Chapter Five

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Today was Monday.

Yay. Another day of school. 

I stirred my coffee with my spoon, hearing that constant clinking sound as it hits the sides of the mug. I sat there, half awake, waiting for the time to leave home and go to school.

The smell of the coffee was so nice, I kept falling asleep. I don't know why it does. My brain is weird.

It was almost 8. I was watching the clock move its hands until it reached 8 o'clock. 

Tick, tock, tick, tock. 

I was so ready to fall asleep on my table. Like, I could just crash on here, y'know? I wish I could be Areum. Sleeping all day doing nothing. That's how I'm trynna be, y'all.

Ugh. Don't you just love Mondays?

Time passed by slow. I don't know how I'm gonna handle another ten minutes.

-knock, knock-

What the hell? Who wants to come here now? No one even warned me.

I lazily dragged my feet to the front door and opened it with eyes half closed saying, "What do you wa-"

I opened my eyes wider and looked at them.

It was Jungkook.

"A-Are you okay?" he asked, concerned.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine," I said, "What do you need?"

"I was wondering if Jimin and I could go to school with you. You could be our tour guide! Hm?" he asked with a smiley face. I really was not expecting him to come here and literally ask me to be a "tour guide". Are you kidding me?

Well, it would be a way for Jungkook and I to hang out... Maybe I could set Soo Yun up with Jimin and make her his "tour guide"! But you know what, I'll be nice today and accept his request.

"Uh, okay! Sure! What are your classes for today?" I asked.

"I have one at 9:00, one at 10:45, and one at 2:00." he showed me his schedule and I read it.

A-Are you kidding me? His classes are all the same as mine! Oh, hell no.

"Well, Jungkook. Unfortunately... we have the same classes."

"Really? That's not unfortunate! I get to spent my Mondays with my favorite person in the whole world!"

"Ya! I'm not your favorite person, and neither you were to me!" 

"Aw..." he pouted.

What a baby.

I slapped him and said, "Stop that! You're not a kid anymore!"

He pouted again.

I  slammed my door on him and went to get my bag. I opened it again and he was still there pouting! Aish, so annoying.

I opened the door and he was still standing there pouting. 

"Come on, let's get Jimin." I said, gesturing with my hand.

We got Jimin and walked to the bus stop.

"So, this is the bus you'll take to go to the campus. It isn't that far, it's just less than ten minutes. We'll meet Soo Yun over there so Jimin can have his own 'tour guide'!" I said as I wiggled my eyebrow and smirked. We got on the bus and sat together. 

I thought about last night and what happened. I kissed him. I don't know if I should be proud or scared because what if he thinks something else of me? 

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