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Facts. What are facts? What do we mean by facts? Are facts the actual facts or just some fantasy generated to support the facts? All these questions don't arise unless we go deep inside the facts to find the actual fact. Once the fact about light was that it's beam comprises of some particles called corpuscles and it was widely accepted but later it proved to be false based on certain experiments and the new fact about light was generated. Light is a wave but it was not true either. Later it was discovered that light consists of rest massless particles called photons. The facts about light kept changing and at least it was accepted that light behaves as both a wave and a particle. So what actually is the fact? No one knows right now. All these are assumptions made by our mind to satisfy the experimental facts which also prove to be false because of their limitations of use. Similar to the story about the fact of light there is another story, the story about the existence of humans. How did it start? Where did we came from? Did we first started living on planet Earth or some other planet? We're we created by the supreme one in which we believe or some other force? How did we evolve and much more.

Right now the fact for everyone is that the existence of humans started on planet Earth and they hold fast towards this fact. But there is certainly other evidence which proves that there was another planet besides earth being able to support our existence, that is planet Mars. It has all the primary resources that we need to survive and it is believed that besides earth it could have been our residing planet. But what led to the Erasure of humans there is still a mystery. Supporting this evidence there is a story unrevealed to the world. The story which is the actual fact but everyone seems to deny it because it seems much similar to fantasy. The story which deals with the dispute between the humans living on Mars, their problems and what actually happened there that caused this tragedy. The story which deals with a different source called mana residing in us. But this could also mean that our evolution could have taken place in a different way but most people seem to ignore it. But no one knows what the actual fact is. After all, I also don't know what the truth may be, I am telling a lie which seems to be the fact. The story dating several eras back from now. The story of the master bladesmen. Surely most of you will jump straight to the conclusion that some evil agency was involved behind it all and there would be a hero trying to stop him but failed (as the tragedy has already occurred ). But there is more to it than this. This tragedy is what lead to the survival of humans and to know this we will have to start from the beginning. 

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