Chapter 1:- The Amulet

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Location:- Elite squad training regiment school on Mars

Date:- Several eras before  

The world here is much more advanced and prosperous than ours. One of the main reasons for it is that they have the least development in the field of warfare. Only weapons they have are 'BLADES'. 

The class about squad formations and battle tactics is going on. The teacher in charge of the class is 'Mr Okwis'. He is one of the most renowned men and was the best among the Elite Squad but no one knows about his past or his Elite ID. The only thing they know is that he is very skilled in every technique there is. A student named 'Walton', sitting on the third bench in the class talks to his friend named 'Abhinav'. "Do you really believe that our teacher is that skilled? He doesn't look like that from his outer appearance." "Nah! There is no way that such a fat belly and dull eyes can get him even near qualification for the Elite Unit." his friend replied. Just then another teacher name 'Mr. D-POK'  enters the classroom and summons Walton to the office. Just when Walton was about to leave, Mr Okwis asks him to meet him at his place after the meeting in the office is over. 

In the office, Mr D-POK, who is also the head of their Squad says, "What are you doing Walton? Because of you the whole 'Squad #7 UT' (UT specifies for Under Training) performance reports are coming below average. You are the weakest student in the Elite Squad training regiment school over the whole history."     

"But sir...these tests don't,..."

"Don't say such crap in front of me. They are the absolute tests in the region of 'White Knights'. They have never given wrong results. So what if actual combat perception isn't counted in it, its pre-combat diagnosis is more than enough good and if you don't agree with it just go and side with the 'Black Rebels' realm"

After this long lecture, feeling tired he thinks about the situation calmly with himself. He thinks that if he had been born in 'Black Rebels' realm would he had been much happier. The 'Black rebels' and the 'White Knights' are the only two groups who have won rights over the land of Mars. The Black rebels rule over 21/40th part of the land whereas The White Knights rule over 19/40th part of the land. The boundaries are not fixed and there is a lot of chaos on the border lines with the territories being seized and lost every second with countless soldiers placing their life on the line to secure them. Except that there is a rather calm and happy life, lived by the inhabitants of each region and they seem equally happy. The way of ruling isn't much different in both regions but only thing extra The Black Rebels have is that your practical use counts, not the same stupid test and people there can have almost any ideal degree of freedom unless and until they are practically useful based on their PU count (practical use) which keeps on changing as one lives his life. Committing crime decreases PU count and if it reaches -ve immediate elimination takes place. 

He finally reaches Mr Okwis' house and there meets with him. On the first glance on Walton, Mr Okwis was able to tell what he was thinking and says, "Do not worry too much. Here, have a seat". Just as he sits, his face full of agony changes. He felt like nothing had happened and all his worries vanished as if the chair was enchanted by magic. 

  I want to do some serious talk with you and it seems that you are finally feeling comfortable. Just listen to me carefully, "I know what D-POK called you out for. I know your grades are the worst we have had in the whole history of our school and the tests designed just keep rejecting you as a failure but you know one thing, you are quite much more special than them. Your abilities and instincts are far more superior than their's could ever be. You don't realise it yet but you are the one who can even rival the ten squads regiment leader. I know that you might have been having second thoughts about being born here instead of 'The Black Rebels' as they don't have these stupid tests which are holding you back but listen this well "THE PAST AND THE PRESENT CANNOT BE MUCH MORE BETTER THAN THEY WERE, THE ONLY THING WHICH CAN BE BETTER IS YOUR FUTURE WHICH HAS NOT YET PASSED" so work as you need to, to make it better and I recommend you join the Elite Unit. Don't worry about the tests, I will find a way, they won't bother you again. Just try to improve the future world from inside and I know you can. (You will have a significant role one day in the new world you create, he murmured to himself). And if you still think being born in 'Black Rebels' would have been better then listen to this 'You might feel that your house was close to a particular shop which was far away from it before but if it were that way then another shop which was first near your house might get even further away and if it was the one you visited more often then you can put yourself in a worse situation than the one you were in before.'"

"Thanks, sir. I really was wondering about that a lot lately. I am very grateful to you. Your thoughts sure are pretty amazing"

"Hehe. Well, Oh! ya just wait a little bit longer here. I have something to give you." Mr Okwis goes and brings a weird horn-shaped amulet necklace and give it to Walton and said, "Its a very rare piece. It will help you to evaluate a situation perfectly. It has a special magic enchantment on it, the one which is seen one in a million. He then murmurs to himself in a very intriguing tone, "Hrrr... that GHOST is going to have a hell of a time but everything he is or he will be will change if he meets him. I have to prevent this from happening at all costs right now but its inevitable, he the 'Mostonian' Blood commander has to be the one...."

"Did you say anything to me, sir?"

"Ahh, yes. I wanted to say that tomorrow is the day when all teachers are away from the school for giving reports about students. You better utilise your day tomorrow and have a good rest of the day little champ, bye"

And with this, the day was concluded and Walton went to his home and summarise his day.

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