Prolonge : Bringing the Champions Back to life

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After years of looking for a long lost shrine of the goddess Hylia Link and Zelda have finally found it and were making their way to the shrine. "What do you think is in the shrine?" Link asks "I honestly don't know but whatever it is it better be something that can protect the kingdom, the divine beasts, and the other lands." Zelda says. They stop right in front of the shrine. It's pretty.

"Wow. Its amazing." Zelda says. Link and Zelda get off their horses and go inside the shrine. Once they're inside they find something that seems to be like a library they start looking through many books.

" Let's go Link it's getting late and monsters will start appearing." Zelda says as she closes a book and tries to put it back in it's place but she accidentally trips over something and knocks down a bookshelf that crashes into the wall breaking through it " Well now you've done it Zelda." Link says. She shoots him a glare

" Oh shut up and help me clean this mess." Zelda says. And they both start to walk in the direction of the mess and then they see a room with only one script sitting in the giant room. They share looks and then Zelda walks to the script and takes it.

"What does it say?" Link asks as Zelda opens it to read it "Restriction spell. Bring back anyone from the dead." Zelda says in awe and their jaws dropped to the floor. "With this spell we can bring back the champions to life." Link says "We are not going to use this spell Link" Zelda says

"Have you seen what the Yiga clan has been doing to Hyrule and The other realms? They PLAN on KILLING us ALL! We need them now more than ever. If the Yiga clan successeds in it's plan than Hyrule is doomed." Link says. Zelda thinks for a moment and sighs "You're right. Let's use the spell"

Hyrule makes peroration for the champions resurrection. It took them months but finally they've managed to bring their bodies back to their original form and now all they needed was to go to the shrine of resurrection and from there they can use the spell.

When they placed the champions in the shrine they made sure that they were all with the weapons they used have. Zelda chanted the spell. "In the name of the goddess Hylia I princess Zelda ask that you bring all the champions back to life!"

After a while of waiting Link walked to Mipha and put his ear on her chest and heard her heart working. "You did it! She's alive! They all are!" Link says as the champions slowly begin to awaken. "What happened?" Mipha asked "You were dead but we brought you all back to life." Zelda says

The champions and the princess were walking out of the shrine when they did walk out they were all greeted by a giant crowd of people cheering for their return.

"Princess Zelda and Link did it!" "Princess Zelda and Link brought the champions back to life!" "Welcome back home champions!"

(A few people who helped with bringing the champions back to life were asked to keep it a secret up until now.)

After a few months they managed to Orient themselves in Hyrule Castle.

And they were all (expect for Revali) walking and talking heading to the Rito village to check on the Divine Beast. "So what's happened to Our home so far?" Daruk asked "They've been restored." Zelda says.

"Anything else we should know about that's happened so far?" Urbosa asks "Nothing so far." Zelda says. They all heard a branch of a tree break and turned to see the Yiga clan abushing them

"Hello champions of Hyrule. We let you go easy the last time but this time we will not leave anyone alive." They said all together creepyly.

(Here's where you pop in.)

Y/N was Hylian the most skilled and powerful Hylian that ever lived in the land of Hyrule. She was cold to anyone.

Y/N was making her way to Rito village to further sharpen her Archy skills and go home.

Y/N was the most terrific, Archer among the hylians. No one has ever dared to challenge Y/N.

Y/N would make sure that who ever challenged her would regret it. Y/N was sister of Link. 

Y/N was riding her horse when she heard fighting going on. She didn't have anything else to do so she went to check it out.

Y/N followed the sound of fighting. When she got to the battle she saw the champions fighting Yiga the clan. Y/N didn't care. Y/N looked around and spotted Link.

Y/N saw a Yiga member sneak up behind Link. Y/N took her bow out and shot the Yiga member. Link heard the Yiga member scream and turned around to see his sister with her bow out.

Link smiled at her, Y/N smiled back. She got off her horse and ran up to Link.

"Need any help?" Y/N said as she got back to back with Link "Some what. Think you're up for it?" Link asked "Are you challenging me?" You asked "Maybe." Link said in a teasing tone

"Alright, Challenge accepted. I bet you 1000 sliver rupees that I can take out all these Yiga members out in less then a few minutes." You said as you took out a few arrows and shot twelve Yiga members.

(A/N : Your bow was given to you by the goddess of strength. So it has cool abilities. 1 of them is it can double the number of arrows that was shot. Plz don' call me out on how many arrows there should be. Just roll with it okay?) 

"Alright let's see how long it takes you to take them out." Link said "You make it sound like I can't do it. *you shot three arrows and 3 more appear* you said as you continued shooting

"I know you'll be able to do it. That's why those 1000 rupees are already your's." Link said as put his master sword away and told the other champions to relax and put their weapons away and watch his sister take out the Yiga members out on her own.

They hesitated but then put their weapons away "Who is she Link?" Urbosa asked "She's my sister Y/N" Link said he looked at Y/N in action

"I didn't know you had a sister. Why didn't you tell us anything about her?" Daruk asks "She wants to be a champion like you guys but she isn't a champion.....yet." Link said "You know that doesn't answer the question right Link?" Zelda said

(Zelda was helping by using her magic or powers but I feel lazy on writing what she was doing.)

"I know. You'll have to ask her yourselves about that." He said as he watched his sister kill the last Yiga member he walked up to her "I told you you'd be able to do it. And as promised here are your 1000 silver rupees." Link said as he headed them to her smiling

The champions walked up to the two siblings "Hello champions of Hyrule. I believe Link has already told you my name." You said while you put your bow away.

"He did. Y/N how come we never heard about you up until now? If you don't mind me asking" Mipha asked

(A/N : Anyone want to marry Mipha?)

"I asked Link to not say anything about me until I was ready to meet you and prove to you that I can also be a champion like all of you." You said

(Time Skip the conversation. They tell you why they were there.)

"So Y/N why are you here?" Zelda asked"I was heading to Rito village to further sharpen my archery skills. And go home." you said as you whistled for you horse

Your horse appeared and ran past you. You grab the bridle and swang your leg over the saddle and pulled on the bridle to slow your horse down "Are you coming Link?" You asked your brother "Yeah." He said as he whistled and Epona came

"We'll see you some other time." You said as you and your brother raced to Rito village. Link didn't care if he was going to get in trouble for leaving the princess behind he hadn't seen his sister in months he wanted to catch up with Y/N.

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