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In this story I'm going to add whatever the hell I want sorry if it's crappy I don't care.

This story was inspired by "open your eyes" and "you're my princess." stories here on wattpad the only difference is that I will add a back ground on how they found a spell to resurrect the champions and I'm going to keep their bodies normal I'm also going to make a fan-fic about you and Revali.

DON'T READ IT IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT! GOT IT!!!!!????? Also I'm going to ask you guys what you want to see in the story.

If you guys want to help me write the fighting scene in the story leave a comment or message me over wattpad.

Oh and one more thing I want to become a wolfblood or if you say it differently please tell me but don't be mean about it please for the love of god don't be mean about it.

If you guys know what I should do to become a wolfblood like the one's from the show please tell me. I will take anything as long as it works. PlEaSe hElP Me BeCoMe a wolfblood! PLEASE! :(

It will make me every happy to become a wolfblood. Thanks you guys.

Also if you guys want music in these chapters let me know I'll let you guys chose the music if you want and only if it doesn't have any curse words in it.

If that's the case I won't let you guys pick the songs anymore so no curse words.

The song must also match the feeling in the story (Example: A love story with a love song in it.) okay that's everything.

Bye ^-^ guys! (DON'T forget about the WOLFBLOOD stuff okay? PLEASE I REALLY WANT TO BE A WOLFBLOOD! IDC IF IT'S FAKE OR NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Any comments I find to be mean will be reported or deleted. Also I'm going to make Teba and Revali brothers for the sake of this story. 

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