Chapter 4

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Finn's POV

I'm downstairs hanging out with the boys laughing playing video games than all of a sudden sophia's door opens revealing sophia and wyatt so we all get up and I drink my soda.

"Meet the new Harley Marie Johnson" Sophia shouted as wyatt and her move to the side and harley walks between them and I drop my drink on the floor shocked and she walks down the stairs and I walk towards her still shocked.

"Woah you look absolutely beautiful harley" I said smiling at her as she starts blushing a pink color.

"Thank you finny boy" Harley said kissing my cheek softly and I blush and everyone starts laughing.

"Oooh Finn your blushing" Jack said amused making me playfully glare at him.

"Oh finn question man since we have an extra room here we talked with harley and would like it if she moved in here with us" Wyatt said walking to jae sitting on his lap so I look towards harley with questioning eyes.

"Are you sure you want to live here with us?" I said and she nods her head slowly making everyone cheer in happiness. "We'll than you got yourself a room here and bathroom" I said and she hugs me tightly.

"Thank you finn this means a lot" Harley said with tears making me miss here forehead.

"Any time beautiful" I said smiling softly at her making her smile.

"I have to go to my aunt's house to get my stuff and pack it in boxes and stuff if that's okey" Harley said making me nod my head.

"Yeah sure um wyatt and jaeden go with her to her house take the truck with you guys" I said and they nod their heads walking with harley outside and I feel people looking at me so I turn my head seeing jack, soph and soph staring at me.

"Your so whipped man" Jack said patting my shoulder walking away laughing with jeremy so I look at soph.

"I'm not whipped I hardly know her" I said and soph smiles softly at me.

"Yeah but it can still mean she's the one for you finn" Sophia said making me sigh.

"I can't be with her" I said and soph gets upset.

"Why? Because your last girlfriend broke you heart? Well news flash finn she's not like most girls" Sophia said shaking her head walking upstairs to her room slamming the door.

"Fuck" I said softly and sitting back down on the couch turning the t.v. back on watching television until the others come back.

Harley's POV

Once me, wy and jae get to my house I see no cars parked out in front so I sigh in relief getting out of the car with the other two following my movements and we walk to my house opening the door.

"Okey so I'm gonna need help but noodles get boxes for me to pack in and jae help me take stuff down to put in the boxes" I said and wyatt nods walking towards the basement area while me and jae walk upstairs to my room.

"Woah this is really nice" Jaeden said smiling while looking around my room.

"Thanks jae" I said giggling as we take stuff down the wall putting them in the boxes that wyatt just brought up and as I'm still putting stuff in boxes the boys take one or two at a time downstairs to the truck.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE!!" I hear Aunt Melissa yell so I run out of the room downstairs seeing jae and wyatt smiling nervously at her.

"Aunt melissa there with me their my friends" I said coming down with a box and she frowns at me as I hand the last from my room to wyatt as he takes it to the truck but jae stays inside with me.

"Where are you going? You can't leave here without a parent your only 15!!" Aunt Melissa yelled at me making me flinch.

"You don't care about me anyways you beat me when you don't get what you want from men I rather live with people I call my friends and most likely my family now." I said and jaeden smiles at me.

"I'm your FAMILY!!" Aunt Melissa shouted splashing my face with wine and slaps me across the face making me gasp in shock holding my cheek seeing it's bleeding.

"Oh my god YOU'RE crazy!" I said crying and jaeden grabs my hand pulling me outside to the truck and helps me inside and gets in with wyatt and we drive to the house

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"Oh my god YOU'RE crazy!" I said crying and jaeden grabs my hand pulling me outside to the truck and helps me inside and gets in with wyatt and we drive to the house.

"When we get back to the house we'll clean that cut on your cheek while the boys get your stuff putting it in your new room and after their done you can shower" Wyatt said turning around in his seat to look at me.

"Okay" I said quietly looking away with tears in my eyes and i push my wet hair from my face and I close my eyes but not falling asleep.

"What happened in there?" Wyatt questioned jaeden quietly making jaeden sigh.

"Her aunt splashed her with wine and slapped her with her hand that has the ring on so she cut her cheek" Jaeden said making wyatt sigh softly.

"Oh my god that's horrible" Wyatt said and I feel them look at me and look away from me than all of a sudden I feel myself drift off into a deep sleep.

Woah everyone thinks finn likes harley do we think so? You'll find out soon enough in these chapters coming up :)

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