Hi everyone! This is the start of my novel, I hope you apreciate it! Thank you soo much. Dont hesitate to leave comment ! It could help me get better! Thank youuu 🖤
" Hide!" Exclaimed Ryan seeing a red light moving towards him.
Emma dropped the tin cans and ran under the scan insulating blanket that Ryan was handing to her. These blankets had the power to hide people from the scanners of the robots and were really useful in those time. It had been made by J, one of the rare human technicians who was alive. The two teenagers went out of under the blanket and looked around to make sure the robot was gone.
"We have to find Anna" said Emma worried, "something might have happened to her."
Emma picked up the tin cans and went out of the factory followed by Ryan. Outside, the air was rough and polluted, a lot of dirt was floating and the sun was hidden by clouds. A few miles away, they could see the supermarket lights sizzle. They knew this place. Before the invasion, they used to go there after school to buy sweets or chocolates. None of that existed anymore. Even normal food was hard to get and was mostly tin cans. All the fruits and vegetables had gone bad with time. Soon, they will be out of tin cans and all they will be able to eat will be rats and others rodents that had managed to find seeds to survive. But each refuelling was a suicide mission because of the robots. They were after humans and will not let them survive. Suddenly, a scream brought her out of her daydream: that was Anna.
Emma and Ryan began to run towards the scream: they had to help her as now, every life counted. They passed through the supermarket to the scream origin and
found Anna curled up with her hands on her ears and her eyes shut, further, a robot, down.
"Anna stop it!"
" Come Anna stop screaming it's just an illusion!"
Anna slowly opened her eyes and lowered her arms. She looked so scared that Ryan took her in his arms:
"Anna it is okay now" he said reassuring.
"Ryan we have to get going before another one shows up"
Ryan nodded and stood up with Anna. They started running, hiding behind walls every time they heard a noise. They knew exactly where the base was but were still far away. They were running one behind another, Ryan first with a gun in his hand followed by Emma with the food and then Anna with grenades. They made the perfect refuelling group. Each individually specialised in one thing: Ryan, the weapons, Emma responsible of the food and the doctor of the team and Anna, the chemist and bomb maker.
After thirty minutes of hiding and running, they arrived to the base, knocked three times, then, said the password "robots" and the door opened. The password was not haphazardly chosen: it was the only word speaking robots weren't able to pronounce. They entered into the base. The entry of the local opened on a spacious metallic room. In the middle, the team were arguing around the table on some chairs that were dispatched. Seeing that the refuelling group had returned, the whole team stood up reassured.
"How was it?" asked Ailana, the leader of the group. She was 23 years old, was tall, strong and had a leader character. She had a thin face, brown slanting eyes and a hard and serious look. Her hair was long and the top of her head was breaded.
"Fine" Ryan answered "but they are everywhere, wanting to destroy us."
"What is wrong with her?" Asked Brandon, one of the technicians, seeing Anna suffocating and coughing.
"They got her with the illusions. It will pass." Said Emma quietly
The illusions were a system that made you believe what you didn't want to believe or seeing things that made you suffer like memories or nightmares but that were never supposed to really hurt you. It was made to drive you mad to kill yourself but only lasted thirty minutes. Anna was only believing she was dying of illness but she had physically nothing. Emma went down the ladder and brought the tin cans down to the basement. She looked at the amount of food they had: several cans, some potatoes that they had managed to grow but that was it. Soon they would be out of food.
"I miss veggies and juicy fruits!" Sighed Brandon who had followed her.
"I know, but we can't have any. They are all rotten at the supermarket and the weather is not good enough to grow vegetables." Responded Emma confident. Brandon looked at Emma and smiled:
"Thank you. Really thank you for doing this, without you we would all be dead by now."
Emma smiled back to Brandon and opened her mouth wanting to add something. "I..."
"Upstairs now!" Yelled Ailana
She looked away and quickly went up the ladder followed by Brandon.
"What is it?"
"Anna. She is not better, it looks like she is even worse"
Indeed, Anna was lying on the ground with her eyes wide opened. She was pale and had her mouth opened like she was suffocating. Emma kneeled to examine her, she didn't know what the robots had injected her.
"Anna? Anna I need to know what did this to you and how it happened." Noticing she wasn't answering, Emma shook her slowly. "Anna tell me, I know you can hear me!...." Then, looking at Brandon and Ryan, she said: "Help me take her to her room."
The boys ran to help Emma carry Anna and brought her to her bed.
"I need fresh water and a towel" exclaimed Emma stressed
All the people started looking everywhere for a towel: that was the rule in this world: everybody had to help anybody because every life counted. They were only around a hundred humans left on earth. Some had hidden the existence of a spaceship capable of welcoming thousands of people, and yet, when the invasion arrived, on the stroke of panic, only two hundreds out of a thousand had made it to the spaceship. Ailana was the one who had gathered all the survivors to make a team out of it. She had taken care of them and here they were, a hundred and fifty survivors.
"I got it" yelled Shanna handing a black towel to Emma.
Emma took the towel, wetted it and applied it on Anna's face. She screamed and started to cough again. Suffocating, she scratched her neck with her nails with a horrid look in her eyes.
"Look at me Anna! Look at me, look at me.. it is not real! Stop this now! It is not helping please!" Implored Emma shaking Anna slowly.
Emma gently took Anna's head between her hands to stop her from scratching herself, put her eyes in Anna's eyes and said stroking her:"shh calm down please it is going to be okay"
Anna, eyes wide open looked at her, then fainted, motionless.

We are called « the survivors »
Ciencia FicciónIn a world where robots are the masters, humans try to find a way to survive. The survivors and their leaders Ailana make a lot of dangerous dicoveries that could affect their lives...