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Everyday, Emma brought Khalon food, sometimes even paper and pens. She always sat on his bed and they talked, telling each other stories or making jokes. She hadn't been that happy in a while.
Anna, on her side, was nearly finished with the ship and just needed the final electricity shift from the base to the ship. But that could only happen if everybody was ready to go because once that would be done, there would be no more electricity in the base and the spaceship had to use that shift to take off.
Today was THE DAY. The Day everybody was waiting for since a very long time. "Pack your things, do not forget anything because we are not coming back. You will spend your next night safe in the space. With our spaceship, we will be able to join the other spaceship that is already in the space, and together, we will find another
home. A safe home for everybody. Now be careful, keep your guns with you, and remember, we are the survivors!."
"We are the survivors!" everybody yelled, determined, following Ailana in her chief speech.
She was ready. She knew it wouldn't be easy to make everyone enter the ship without a battle. Fast enough, the robots would come to kill them. But she was ready to die for freedom. Her stuff was ready so was Ryan's, Emma's Anna's and Shanna's. She was excited, feeling that this day would be the best she had had in months. She opened the door, resolute. Behind her, her people were scared and anxious, she could feel that but they had to go. Two warriors led the way, Ailana looked at everyone, passing, Anna and J were with her, they needed to trigger the electricity shift and then run towards the ship before it took off. Emma was with Khalon, at the back, still talking, as always. Suddenly, Ailana turned her head, she had heard screams, the robots were there, already. She made a sign to tell the warriors to follow her, slowly, they jogged around the people to surprise the robots. They were ten and prevented people from getting on the ship.
"Attack!" Ailana screamed.
The warriors ran towards the robots, avoiding their bullets and throwing grenades at them. In the meantime, more and more people were getting on the ship, safe. Ailana stopped, she look around, worried: some of her people had been killed entering the ship, innocent people. More robots were coming, stronger and stronger, they would not be able to stay fighting forever. She could see some of the warriors falling on the ground, knocked down.
"Hope, have hope" she yelled to her people, fighting against a robot, "It is nearly the end, soon, you will all be safe".
She knew there was not enough room for all of them in the ship and saying that to her warriors was one of the worst feelings: she was lying to her people and yet, some of these people would have to stay here while the others would be in the air. Ailana chased her thoughts away, she needed to concentrate on her battle: she was fighting against a little robot which was really fast, several times she hit his head with the back of her gun, but each time, he stood up, tiredless, always ready to kill more and more humans. Resolute to win the battle, she hit him one last time on the head as hard as she could. The little robot collapsed. She had won. But as soon as she caught her breath, another, huge human looking robot came at her. Frightened, she stepped back, slowly, gun in hand, face pitiless, ready to destroy this gigantic robot. He first started to hit, hard with his heavy axe but Ailana, who was skinny and fast, managed to avoid the axe. She shot him three times in his chest: not a single scratch! That was going to be tough. Once again, he tried to hit but she avoided it. That was the only thing she could do: protect herself, she couldn't attack as the

robot was too strong. For several minutes, the battle continued, always the same way between them: the robot attacking, Ailana avoiding. She was exhausted and desperate.
"Ailana, hurry up! We are going to do the electricity shift!" Anna yelled, "Get into the spaceship, now!"
"I can't" she panted " leave without me, there isn't enough room anyway!"
Weary, she stumbled on something and fell on the back, the robot still chasing her. She was seeing him, approaching as she was trying to crawl back as fast as she could. But it was too late: the robot had caught her and was about to swing his axe in her face, standing up, in front of her. She looked at him. At his eyes, these wide green eyes that looked human and familiar. Her heart was racing, she was about to die, she could clearly see him into the robot, his look, his hair... she thought about what Emma had told her about the transformation of a human into a robot.. Was it possible?
"Azoic?" she whispered, closing her eyes, ready to receive the axe in her face.
After a few seconds, she opened her eyes, surprised not be dead and what she saw kept her out of breath: The robot was all red and the metallic parts of his body were falling apart, underneath was a human body, a body she already knew: Azoic. That was not possible, it was too easy.
"Ailana? Is that you?" he said, crying of joy.
Amazed, Ailana jumped to hug her boyfriend: so many times she had thought he was dead, she had searched for him for so long, in vain. She took her weapon back: that wasn't the end, robots were still there and the spaceship too. Azoic took his axe, loyal to his new side. He was going to fight against these creatures that had caused him so much pain. With her girlfriend at his side, nothing could stop them.
Emma was near the ship, she was going to make it, Kahlon was in front of her guiding her and protecting her. She could she all the people, already dead and the spaceship, already full. When they arrived at the spaceship, Kahlon helped her climb up but when she proposed her help for him to climb in the spaceship, he refused:
"I am not going with you. I am sorry Emma but I belong here, my people died on this earth and I am willing to die with them here. I hope you will understand that." he had said that sadly, always looking at Emma's eyes.
Suddenly, a loud noise resonated into the ship: the electricity shift had started. There was not much time left. She looked at Kahlon:
"Please, come with us, with me. You'll be safe and..."
"No Emma I am staying here. That is it, I am sorry. Thank you for saving my life."

Emma looked outside: she could see Anna and J running to climb on the ship, nearly there.
"Come on!" she yelled.
The two technicians arrived on the ship, breathless, they had done it. She looked one last time at Kahlon, holding his hand:
"You are going to be okay" he said, smiling before giving her a kiss.
A tear fell down from Emma's eyes. Kahlon wiped it and released her hand: the doors were closing. Where was Ailana? She looked everywhere inside the spaceship: she wasn't there. She looked outside and, she saw her: she was yelling at them into the ship, Azoic next to her.
"Grow old my people, have kids and tell your kids your heroic stories. Remember that your are all very lucky. I have always been proud of having you, my people."
Then, looking very small now, was Kahlon, looking up, and waving.
Ailana was fighting, just fighting, she didn't know why, but she just fought. For her people that were dead, for Azoic, for so many things. Seeing the spaceship take off had given her hope, a sense of achievement: her people were safe, she had done her duty. Now, she was ready to die, Azoic at her side. But she wanted to die fighting, never giving up, always fighting, until the last stroke...

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