In front of them appeared a huge tiger roaring fiercely. His legs had large claws and his teeth were gigantic. Gun on the shoulder, the survivors started running as fast as they could deeper into the forest. They couldn't shoot as the size of the tiger showed that a bullet wouldn't kill it. The beast was coming closer and closer, nearly catching them and they couldn't run as fast as it could.
"Up there" yelled Emma panicking and showing a tall tree.
They all started to climb up the tree grabbing any branch that they could and as fast as they could. The beast was still down the tree scratching the tree's peel to try and catch them. After they had all climbed the tree, they all stayed up there, breathless, relieved but still scared. Ryan, took his gun, focused his mind and aimed at the beast as accurately as he could. He had to do it, now. Suddenly, the beast roared of annoyance and stepped back. Then, huge wings coloured like its fur started to unfold from both sides of the animal. Incredulous, the friends looked at each other open-mouthed. The beast flapped its wings and tried to catch them up to the tree. Ryan gathered his courage and shot the animal in the wing. Hurt, the latter fell down moaning with pain. Ryan look at the animal, pitiless and this time aimed at its heart. He then shot twice in a row to make sure it was dead. The animal had one last moan before its heart stopped. Shocked, the survivors started slowly coming down the tree, one by one. They all looked at the bare of the beast, this giant creature with wings. Wings! That was not normal, this didn't existed!
"What the hell is that?" Brendan asked, lost "Why does a tiger have wings?".
Anna frowned. She remembered the explosion of the nuclear power station in the middle of the forest not long ago. The robots had destroyed it to get energy and electricity. The destruction of this station had had a great and disastrous impact on the inhabitants of the forest and the animals living in it: it had released radioactive emissions that had led to illnesses and genetic mutations.
"I know where it comes from." She said " We need to get out of the forest now." "Why? What is happening?" Asked Shanna, worried.
"The tiger. He has mutated because of the radiation. If we stay in there too long, we'll die burned."
"But how does the radioactive fog stay inside the forest and why doesn't it go into the grey zone?" Asked Brendon, intrigued.
"The robots have put something in the trees that prevents the fog from spreading further than the forest."
"Why? If they want to kill us all, this radioactive fog is a very good weapon: why are they stopping it inside the forest's limits?" Asked Ryan.
"I have no idea... that's a good question. Maybe they like chasing us. Maybe it is like a game for them."
"Yeah I think it could be called "Hide and Kill the human"" Emma added, laughing. They all laughed, for once after a really long time, they could joke. They all resumed their seriousness and Anna said, smiling:
"Anyway, we have to start running."
The survivors started running towards the end of the forest. Around them, all was black. The night had come and stars started to shine above their heads. The trees of the forest where so tall that the teens could only see bits of the sky. They could feel the crackling branches under their feet as they ran and the soft foam. The wind was blowing on their face, with each time a bit of pain. They started feeling it, the radiation was getting them and they started coughing, protecting their faces with their scarfs and leafs. Suddenly, Brendan stumbled and fell, face on the ground. He raised his head and was surprised to see a shoe. He stood up, afraid and looked under the dead leafs and branches that covered the body. It was a dark skinned man covered by mud and dust. He was dressed with rags and looked bad.
"Guys! I've found him!" He yelled with all the guts he had left.
They all turned around to see what Brendon was talking about. Emma ran to the man and approached her ear to his mouth. He was breathing, not much but he was alive. Emma took him under his arms and pulled him out of the mud.
"Brendan take his feet, Ryan his arms. We're gonna carry him out of the forest before the radiation wave comes."The three friends lifted the man up. He was very heavy and it was hard to run carrying him. But they were close, they could see the grey area through the large trees. They had hope, they could make it and had to. They continued running as fast as they could but the weight of the man was becoming more and more unbearable. Emma looked behind her, she started seeing the green fog coming.
Panicking, she yelled to the other to speed up. They were so close to succeed, they had the man, and everyone was alive, it couldn't end now. The fog was catching them. Shanna and Anna had already crossed the trees, they were safe from the fog. Emma, Ryan and Brendan were behind, struggling to run carrying the man. Brendan was the closest one to the fog and was started feeling the pain. Seeing their struggles, Shanna ran back into the forest to help them. With her help, they managed to get the man out of the forest. The fog was there, Brendan kneeled under the pain, coughing and covering his eyes, Ryan ran and tried to save him but it was to late: he had disappeared under the green smoke after looking at him one last time.
« No! » he screamed shocked.
But he had to save himself. He ran towards the trees, seeing his friends yelling at him to speed up. Tears were running down his cheeks as he passed the trees and collapsed in front of his friends. He raised his head towards the forest. The fog was caught into the forest, so was Brendan's body.
« Where is Brendan? » shanna asked worried.
Seeing Ryan's face filled with tears, Shanna took her hand to her mouth and whispered slowly, louder and louder:
« No,no no no no please no »
Shanna fell with the weight of the pain. It was too much. In one day, they had nearly died three times. They had all survived but him. Why? This was so unfair. Anna came towards her and whispered:
« Don't worry,shhh, just remembered that, he died being a hero, he is the one that found the man and helped us brought him back."
Shanna nodded but continued sobbing. Emma looked at Anna. They had to move, again. She said slowly:
"Shanna, Ryan, I know it is hard but it is not safe here. We have to keep moving before something else happens."
"Oh please! We have been moving all day and nearly died three times today! Can we just please breathe a little?!" Yelled Shanna, angry
"Yeah, you're right I'm sorry." Emma said.
She looked in her bag and got two tin cans out. She threw one to Ryan and Shanna kept the other one for herself and Anna. They started eating, without talking, all in their thoughts. Around them, all was dark and silent. They could even find a peacefulatmosphere in this silence. All the grey and abandoned buildings that were visible at day didn't existed at night. And that reassured the survivors. After eating, they deployed the tents and separated in two groups: Emma and Ryan and Anna and Shanna.
"Okay if there is a problem, we both have a walkie-talkie and a gun in our tents." Anna said cautious.
"Okay good night"
After Emma checked on the man, the four teens entered their tents and slept with no time. All the emotions of the day had tireded them. They were five at the beginning and were now four.

We are called « the survivors »
Fiksi IlmiahIn a world where robots are the masters, humans try to find a way to survive. The survivors and their leaders Ailana make a lot of dangerous dicoveries that could affect their lives...