Chapter 2

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Mom P.O.V

Mom- So your school name is Claws High School and you crush Ayo goes there.

Jasmine- Really OMG I can't wait to go to school tomorrow.

Jasmine- *Hugs*Thx mom.

Mom- Np, but what do you want for dinner?

Jasmine- Pizza.

Mom- Ok.

Jasmine P.O.V

Jasmine- I went up stairs to my room and did my hygiene and wore this to sleep in:

Jasmine- I went up stairs to my room and did my hygiene and wore this to sleep in:

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Jasmine- And put my hair in a messy bun.And by that time the pizza was here.

Jasmine- I went down stairs and got me pizza,after that I went to my room and fell asleep.


Jasmine- So I was peacefully sleepy into my annoying alarm went off.

Jasmine- After my alarm went off I went to the bathroom and did my hygiene and got dressed in this:

Jasmine- Then I went down stairs to see my mom making breakfast she was making blue berry pancakes my favorite

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Jasmine- Then I went down stairs to see my mom making breakfast she was making blue berry pancakes my favorite.

Mom- Good Morning.

Jasmine- Good morning.

Mom- So are you ready for the first day of school?

Jasmine- Yes.

Mom- Why because that boy A yo is going to be there?

Jasmine- He is so cute why wouldn't I be happy.

Mom- Just asking.*Handing jasmine the plate of pancakes*

Jasmine- Thx mom.


Jasmine- OK mom I am off to school love you.

Mom-*Kisses her cheek* Love you too.

Jasmine- Bye.

Jasmine- So my BFF goes to this school so we are going to meet up outside.

Ava P.O.V


Jasmine- HEY!!!

Ava- *Hugs Jasmine* I haven't seen you in a long time.

Jasmine- I know right.

Ava - Do you have your schedule?

Jasmine- No.

Ava- Ok, let's go get yours.

Jasmine- Ok.

Principal- How may i help you?

Jasmine- My name is Jasmine I need my schedule plz.

Principal- O yes here you go jasmine, have a nice day.

Jasmine- Thank you,you too.

Jasmine P.O.V

Ava- What class do you have first?

Jasmine- Math.

Ava- Me too.

Ava- What is your locker number?


Ava- Yay! You are right next to my locker.My locker number is 4.

Jasmine- Cool,let's go to class.

Ava- Ok.

Teacher-Good Morning girls you two are right on time.And you don't have assign seats so you can sit whatever you want.

Ava- Sit next to me.

Jasmine- Ok.

Ava- I heard you like Ayo.

Jasmine- Yeah, to me he is so cute.

Ava- Be lucky that he does not have a girlfriend.

Jasmine- I am lucky.

Ava-Here they come now.

Ayo P.O.V

Ayo- Ok so me and my gang were a little late to class but we don't care.

Teacher-Ok everyone take a seat.

Teacher- Today we have a new student and her name is Jasmine.Jasmine can you tell us a little bit about you.

Jasmine-Age:20,Mixed,My dad died when I was 6 in a car accident.

Ayo- When she said that it broke my heart.

Ayo- And she cute too.

Teacher- I am sorry to hear that and class I will be passing out a Getting To Know paper.*Passes out the papers*

Teacher- Get started.

Ayo- *In a whisper*Guys?

Them- Yes.

Ayo- I think I like Jasmine.

Teo- No I like Cleo.

Ayo- No body asked you.

Teo- Rude.

Ayo- What ever.

Key-I like Ava.

Ayo- I am going to give her a note in her locker telling her to meet me at the park.

Teo- Ask her friend what is Jasmines locker number.



Ava P.O.V

Ayo- Ava can you give me Jasmines locker number plz?

Ava- Why?

Ayo- I need to give her this note.

Ava- Ok fine,3.

Ayo-Thank you so much.



Jasmine P.O.V

Jasmine- What is this?

Jasmine- It says to meet this person at the park.

Jasmine- I guess I'm going.


Ayo- Over here.

Jasmine- Ok.

Ayo- Hey.

Jasmine-* Blushes*Hi.

Ayo- Can I ask you some thing?


Ayo- Would you like to be my girl?

Jasmine-*Jumps on him*YES!!!

Ayo-Thank you so much.

Jasmine- Of course I love you too much.

Ayo- Aww love you too baby.

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