Chapter 9

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I push mason's arms away from me. In the back of my head I felt everything he was feeling. Lost and confused. Hurt and betrayal. Emptiness.

"Give me your phone and wallet." I demand as I stare as i stand above his sitting figure, staring at his face blankly.

"What?" he wheezed. A section of my heart clenched. He raised me while he needed raising and this is what i throw back into his face.

Why am i always such a fucking stupid bitter bitch? I wouldn't be surprised if he told me that i should've fucking died in that bathtub behind him.

"Give. Me. Your. Phone. And. Wallet. Now." I cut up my words and held my open hand out.

He stood up and wiped his eyes and nose with the back of his and then stuffing them into the fronts of his jeans.

"No lia, i can't let you leave again." He was gaining confidence.

I can't let that happen.

"Give me the fucking phone and wallet, liam, before i really hurt you." i said through gritted teeth, sqeezing my eyes shut. I didn't want to look at him while i imagine smashing my fist into the mirror then stabbing him in the nexk with a piece of glass that had shattered.

"No." he said sternly.

"Mason this is going to be the last time i ask you. Give them to me." I now flicker my dark eyes up to meet his but he doesn't seem to be taken aback a bit.

"N-" before he could i finish his sentence, i grab a fistful of his hair and pull him into the bedroom.
He grips my wrist "OW! LIA THAT FUCKING HURTS!"

I shove him onto the carpeted floor and he rubs his head, trying to soothe the pain. I place my foot onto his chest and hold my hand put again. He pushes himself onto his elbows.

"What have you become?" he whispers staring at me in disbelief.

"Wrong answer. Actually i don't think it required one." I step down hard on his chest with my foot causing him to fall down, laying flat. As his back hits the ground, all the air in his lungs get pushed out. I lean in, grabbing another fistful of his hair, yanking his head a couple inches off the floor.

"Watch yourself. You're my bitch. Not the other way around." I spit in his face as i throw his head back to the ground.

As he's dazed by my words, i waste no time to reach into his front pockets to fish out his belongings.

I make my way out of the room and down to the lobby. As I check how much money liam had in his wallet, I see an old woman staring at me with wide eyes and an agape mouth as I take the money out of the wallet and stuff it into my pocket.

"Fuck are you looking at, sack of dust," I throw the wallet to the ground and open the driver's door, pulling liam's phone out of my pocket and dialing mason's number.

"Liam? what's up?" He sounded distracted.

I peel out of the lot, holding liam's phone to my ear using my shoulder.

"Nope, hes at the hotel i'm leaving from" I tell him nonchalantly

"Lia, what the hell? Not this again" Now he sounded like i had his full attention.

"Look..I'm leaving whether you like it or not and if you don't, I'll stick a fucking screwdriver through your fucking brain. Got all that," I sqeeze the steering wheel to control myself from swerving. The line is silent so I continue.
"Now, I'm going to make a pitstop at a motel in the city. I'll text you the details and if you decide to come..I might not add you to the list." I end the call and pull into the motel lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2018 ⏰

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