Chapter Eleven: There's No Place Like Home

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            Today is Friday and the doctors arrived this morning.

            They said I could go home. They said I could go back to my normal human life. They said I could leave the vampire world permanently. I should be jumping up and down for joy, right? But why do I feel they’re not telling me everything I’m supposed to know? Why do I feel that they’re keeping something from me? And most of all, why do I feel so sad that I’m going home?

            “You okay, Melanie?” Xayranne’s voice snapped me back to reality.

            I shook my head slightly, clearing my thoughts. Then I smiled at Xayranne and nodded. “Of course I’m okay! Why wouldn’t I be? I’m going home!”

            She sniffed. “I’m not okay.” Then she looked up at me, her eyes tearing a little bit. “I’m going to miss you, Melanie. Really. I know you’ve just known me for like, six days but it seemed like an eternity.”

            I sighed and patted her shoulder reassuringly. “I’m going to miss you, too. And besides, I know the doctor said I can leave the vampire world permanently, but maybe I could go back and visit? You know, sometime in the weekend?”

            Xayranne grinned and nodded vigorously. “Of course! You should really come and visit.”

            I smiled one last time then zipped up my bag close. Xayranne’s in my room—well, not my room anymore—helping me packing my things. Flynn and Roxanne were in the living room, waiting for me to finish. Garret, however, was out to do some princely duties.

            The King and Queen arrived with the doctors. I noticed that they were acting very, very strange. Especially the Queen, who was staring at me intently all the time. They already said their goodbyes but they were acting so formal and serious that it really bugs me.

            Garret wasn’t home when the doctors arrived. So it will be a big shock for him when he arrives later at night and found out that I’m gone for good. But in my opinion, I know he wouldn’t care less. In fact, I think he would be relieved that I’m gone.

            Xayranne and I left my old room and went downstairs. When we arrived at the living room, Flynn immediately tackled me in a very, very big bear hug. “Oh, Melanie! Do you have to go so soon? It’s just been six days!”

            I laughed. “Flynn, six days is enough. My family and friends are waiting for me. They’re worried about me. I can’t keep them worrying about me, right? Don’t worry, I’ll visit.”

            “You better be or else we’re going to your house!”       

            “Do you even know where it is?”

            “No, but Garret and Roxanne does.”

            “Whatever,” I said dismissively as he let go of me. “I’m going to miss you, too, Flynn. Believe it or not.”

            He ruffled my hair. “Oh, I believe it.”

            I rolled my eyes at him. “So… who’s going to drive me back to Chicago?”

            “That will be me,” Roxanne said, winking at me. “Flynn can’t drive, his car broke down.”

            “Let’s get going then,” I said, grinning like an idiot. I might miss the vampires that are with me now but I miss my family and friends more. I want to see them, to talk to them and to hug them.

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