Chapter Twenty-Six: Kidnapped

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I opened my eyes slowly. I squinted when I noticed the sudden brightness inside the room. I blinked. Then blinked once more. Then blinked one last time. When my eyes got used with the brightness, I suddenly noticed that I was inside a room – a vacant room.

            Inside a room was a bed, a table beside it. I was sitting on a chair – well, tied up is the most appropriate word. Yes, I was tied up on a chair. Both of my hands were behind the chair and were tied up by a rope. My feet were stuck like glue on the legs of the chair. My heart accelerated when I remembered those moments before I fainted.

            Me being a vampire…

            Jensen kidnapping me…

            Garret, shot by Jensen’s gun…

            My eyes widened as I recalled that moment. No… Garret couldn’t be hurt…

            My eyes searched for a window inside a room but there was none. I know my chances of being heard by somebody were slim but I still screamed, “Help! Somebody help me! Please!”

            When the white wooden door didn’t budge open, I screamed some more, “Somebody! Anyone! Please help me! I’m being kidnapped—”           

            The white door banged open and a very pissed looking Fiona came in. She was wearing white jeans, a pink tank top and white cardigan. She looked like a normal teenager… but, in truth, nothing screamed normal to her.

            “Would you please shut your mouth?” Fiona hissed angrily, closing the door behind her and planting both of her hands on her hips.

            “Fiona, I’m begging you! Please let me go,” I pleaded. “I didn’t do anything wrong! You’re overreacting! I know you don’t want me to be with your son, but that doesn’t mean you have to kidnap me and hurt him!”

            For a moment, Fiona looked taken aback. “Hurt him? I never hurt him. What did you mean?”

            “Jensen shot him.”

            Her eyes widened then narrowed at me. “Are you telling the truth? Melanie, Jensen is on my side.”

            “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

            She tilted her head. “Well, you sure don’t.”

            I glared at her hatefully. “Then why don’t you explain? Start from the very beginning.”

            Fiona walked to the bed and sat on the very edge, staring back at me with cold blue eyes. I have blue eyes – but mine are like sapphire ones. Hers were icy, cold and hard, which was nothing like mine.

            “My story is very long, Melanie. Could you keep up with me?” she asked sarcastically.

            I narrowed my eyes. “I think I could keep up with you.”

            She crossed her legs and rested her head on her hand. “Very well.” She cleared her throat. “I was thirteen years old when both of my parents died. They died because they committed a crime. They killed a human and it’s against the vampire laws. I was adopted by Alexander’s parents since they saw me on the verge of dying with hunger on the streets. Alexander’s parents – Elizabeth and Anthony – they took care of me.” Fiona’s eyes softened. “Yes, they did. They treated me like their own. They loved me.”     

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