Epilogue: Coming Home

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(Five Years Later)


            Dear Roxanne,


                        My last e-mail to you was like, last two Christmas ago, wasn’t it? Huh, that’s so long ago. But anyway, I just want to tell you. I’m coming home.

                        How cool is that? I hope you would look forward to it. But I’m not the same Melanie anymore. That’s not negative, okay? Haha, I’m still the crazy Melanie you know but I just changed maybe a teensy bit. I’ll bring two friends of mine – Jerome and Heather. They’re brother and sister and they wanted to join me in Springfield for the meantime. They’re Americans and also vampires, too. They’re nice people – especially Jerome.

                        How’s everyone? I hope all of you are okay.

                        I’m not sure when I would go back exactly. But I just know I’m coming home. After graduating college here and spending five years here, Mom thinks it’s safe to go back there.

                        Anyway, I have to go. I have a date with Jerome tonight and I’m going to prepare. He’s a really nice guy, you know.


                        Lots of love,

                                                Melanie. <3



            Dear Melanie,


                        Everyone here is okay. I missed you, you know that? I’m looking forward to meet this “Jerome” guy. And, there’s a very big surprise you should know when you go back here. I don’t want to tell you because I don’t want to hurt you.

                        Anyway, Fiona and Jensen completely left us alone for the past five years. They didn’t bother us – so thank God for that. Anyway, Xayranne and Flynn are on their way in their third baby. Really, how many babies do they want? But I’m not complaining. I love taking care of my niece and nephew!

                        Please, please, please, please, please return! You don’t know how boring it is here without you.



                                                Roxanne. :)


PS: Have you mastered the British accent?


As promised, this is not long! But I hope it's okay...

I think I'm going to cry. Seriously. This story is about to end. BUT it's not yet fully the end. ;) There will be a sequel.


Thank you!

- Bella, xoxo.

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