Chapter Thirteen: The Carnival... And The Two Guys

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            “I’m going to go to the grocery.”

            My eyes snapped up to my mother, who was walking down the stairs, carrying her purse. I frowned at her. Ever since I was fifteen, I always do the grocery chore. “Mom, isn’t that suppose to be my job?” I asked.

            “Yes, honey,” Mom replied, patting my cheek gently. “But, unfortunately, I don’t want you to be alone at the grocery ever again. Ever since you disappeared… God knows I don’t want that to happen again.”

            “But, Mom! I wasn’t kidnapped or something. It was my own free will. Why don’t you let me go?” I asked, pouting slightly. It’s Friday night and because I’m grounded, I’m stuck inside my house while my sister was attending another party.

            “Because I don’t want you to disappear again, Melanie,” Mom said, putting on her white sweater and scarf all around her. Then she went to the door and opened it. But before she could go out, she turned back at me, a sympathetic expression in her face. “I’m sorry that you have to stay here in the house for a Friday night. But you are grounded.”

            I sighed as I slumped down on the sofa. “I know.”

            “Maybe you could call Jasper or Amanda to come over?”

            I shrugged. “I already did. Jasper’s out with his parents—some formal party his parents were attending and he was forced to go with them. Amanda’s sister visited her and her mother for the weekend.”

            “Do you have any friends that you want to come over?”

            Oh yeah sure. I do have friends but I don’t want them to come over. You know why? They’re vampires. But I just shook my head at my mom. “Can’t I go with you at the grocery?”

            “No, it would be too much of a hassle.”

            “It wouldn’t be! I promise you.”

            “No one is going to stay and guard the house.”

            I raised an eyebrow. “Who would want to rob us?”

            “Oh I don’t know, robbers?”

            I rolled my eyes and then crossed my arms across my chest. “Fine. I’ll stay. Be safe on your way to the grocery.”

            “Okay, bye.” And with that, she closed the door behind her.

            I sighed as my attention snapped back to the TV show that I was watching. And after a minute or two, I was already laughing my head off. How I Met Your Mother really cracks me up all the time.

            “So you watch that kind of show, eh?”

            I jumped on my seat, very, very startled. I looked up at the familiar voice that had spoken. I gasped. “What are you doing here?”

            Garret shrugged and slumped on the seat beside me. “Well, it’s Friday night and I’m bored.”

            “What are you doing here in my house? And how the hell did you got in? The doors were locked and even if they weren’t, I would have heard you coming in!”

            He smiled at me secretively. “Well, I came in from your window.”

            “My window?!” I gasped.

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