our first conflict

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killua was on a stroll in the town, gon was sleeping in the hotel. well he cant blame him,its still 7.00 . killua was going to buy another choco-robo.but.. he felt a little blood lust from somewhere.he wasnt sure who it was but it wasnt his aniki all he know is it came from the building right across the road. he look closely and he saw you, you was leening on the fence and looks like intending to jump. killua at first doesnt give a damn. but after he saw those (e/c) eyes, he couldnt just igone it.he rushes to the building and intended to stop you.

"you shouldnt do this! you're still young! you have a bright future! you can still change! you still have hope on your side!" those words he shout to your ears did'nt reach you. why? thats because you came here for one mission.you turn around and charge at him at your full speed with the intention to stab him with your sword. but killua was faster ,he grab your sword and shout "izutsushi!" charging his hand to your stomach. you back off a few steps ,despiete you were paralyse

"i should've know" half of his hand is stain with blood despiete grabing your sword. but even that you would'nt give up on your mission .you try charging your sword again to him but this time he got at your back and kick your foot  ,you were very clumsy and a little childish and you fell down. he grab your hand to your back

"dont move, your coming with me.." he said in his assasin personality. he could have killed you, but despiete you look like a help-les girl and he promise gon he wouldnt kill another person ,he decited to capture you


"yo gon! your awake huh.." he said smiling at gon ,who just woken. you were standing beside him with both of your wrist in his hand

"ah killua! ......who's that?"gon reply with his smiling face.

"i caught her trying to kill me" killua's tone turn serious.

"eh? why did you bring her here?"

"yeah! why didnt you kill me!" you try to join the talk

"shut up! your a hostage! beside.. i promise gon i wouldnt kill incosent people" he half lied. he knew you were'nt incosent despiete trying to kill him.

"really? well whats your name?" gon was still smiling full of happyness in his eyes

"woi gon!" "(y/n)"


"i'm (y/n) (l/n)"

"whoa...! thats a nice name.. i'm gon and this is killua"

'whats with this kid.. being friendly all of the sudden in this just an act? but it looks like the real deal'

"hehe.. nice to meet you" you bring your best fake smile forwards

'what's with her... i should've killed her back there'


"nee.. (y/n) do you want to go on an adventure with us?"

"woi gon!"killua shout. grabing him for a little 'boys talk'

"gon what are you doing?!" "eh? i'm asking her to go with us on our adventure" "no! dont you get it?! she tryed to kill me ,what if she use this change to kill me again?!". "but..  i still believe her... even if she tryes to kill you, you could just counter her and defeat her again right?" "but gon you cant ju-"

"so? how about it?"gon ask

"i guess it could'nt hurt" you try to get close to them ,to finish your mission. but before that you have to get information.

"nee.. you two seems preety close. are you guys brothers?" you try asking the most needed one first

"not really. i'm 14 .i came from whale island with mito-san. i'm was searching for my oyaji. but i already found him but i still want to hang out with killua"gon smile with the skale from 1 to 10 is 1000

"woi gon! you should'nt give info like that!" killua shout at gons ear. "but we're friends and friends tell each others everything. now its your turn killua"

"cehh.. fine. 14.from kukuro mountain .now with alluka, who now is now in the daycare helping out.your next" he try to give as little information he can. but you knew almost everything, the fact that he run away from home, he was a member of an assasin family. even the part where his family has high hopes for him.because you were already given this information from a certain someone

"i'm 14. from (____). i'm here to kill a certain someone. i though i was order to kill a white hair person. but i made a mistake ,because i just remember to kill a golden eyed with white hair person." you almost said the whole thing thruth. your age and your home are correct but you lied about the wrong target and your motive. but it seems gon buy it while killua is looking an eye on you cause he knew you were obviously lying. it looks like he belive that half of it was made up.

a meeting of fate (killua x reader)Where stories live. Discover now