Chapter 9- WEST

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How's everyone been? Thank you all for voting/commenting! Much appreciated. It truly is you guys I write for. And a little bit of myself. But mostly you guys.

Enjoy :)




Absolutely no one is surprised that I'm sitting in the principal's office right now. It's just another day, another time at the principal's office. I think I've been here more than I have some classes.

I'm all to comfortable at the principal's office in this school. The receptionist knew me- I almost came in every other week. The chair in front of Principal Greer's mahogany desk was all too familiar.

Hands crossed on the back of my head, I'm in a relaxed position even though I have Principal Greer glaring at me. Principal Greer was leaning on the back of her chair, a hardcore woman who came from a line of Betas, but thought she could schools for wolves some justice and educate us wild wolves. She got hired through some big process by the first female Alpha, Heidi, who was the one to make this school in the first place.

I'm trying my hardest to pretend to listen.

"Did you think punching a student was the right thing to do? No, not even punching him, but dislocating his jaw bone which is hard to do to a werewolf? How much force did you use? And to think that you were doing so well too, Mr. Stryder." Her glare isn't gone. "The first week of school wasn't even over before you got into a fight!"

I sighed.  This puny wolf called my mate crazy, and I punched him, breaking his jaw. So what.

He thought he could insult my mate.

What I wasn't going to tell our Principal was that if it weren't for my mate stepping in front of me, and asking me to stop, I would've done way worse. But Edith stepped in front of me, telling me not to and I relented. Because of her that wolf isn't in worse condition. 

I cleared my throat, "This student you're defending, Principal, is harassing other students."

"So you came to the defense of, what was her name- Edith?"

I smiled- I thought I was doing Edith a favor by stopping her from punching him, but it had to be me doing the punching instead. It wasn't intentional, really. Things just happened. Mouths had to be opened. Punches had to be thrown.

"I mean, yeah she could have taken care of herself, but I was standing up to bullying."

"Bullying." Principal Greer was done with my crap from the way her glasses fell and she raised an eyebrow at me. Yes, I was full of crap right now, but really

"I think it's a national issue, but why don't we make our school a better place and resolve Alphas' bullying quote on quote lesser wolves? Because that's what they do, Principal Greer. That was what Jared was doing."

A long sigh came from my principal. "Honestly West, you were doing very well with not fighting other students for so long and you had a relapse."

"You're acting like I'm some drug addict." My mouth curled downward.

"Maybe you're addicted to fighting."

I had think about this for a quick second, but I shook my head. "Nah, I really don't think so."

"If your parents-"

"Did you tell them?" I cut her off, worried. Her look told me everything. I closed my eyes shut. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot.

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