Chapter 30- EDITH

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Right when I get to school and make the mistake of going to the bathroom to make sure my hair isn't too messed up because I didn't get a chance to fix it, I get cornered by Abby.

Not something you want to happen first thing in the morning.

"What are you to West?" Abby demanded at me. Her tone wasn't friendly. Her face was contorted in nothing but anger at me. Accusing me. Like I did something wrong to her.

Nor did like I her tone towards me. "I don't understand what you're-"

"Don't think I'm stupid!" Abby vehemently cuts me off. Right there, I pinpointed the hurt in her. Except she's looking at me in disdain. "You think that he's going to actually like someone like you?" 

I was taken aback. I could easily ruin her whole argument by just telling her we're mates, get used to it. I could say that and I was the winner here. But I knew this wolf in front of me was sad. Sad that West rejected her. But another part of me, the Alpha that comes out from time to time, is a bit protective of West and that yes, only I can have him since he's my mate, not hers. And how she got rejected by him because of me.

"Someone like me?" My tone was calmer than I felt. I gripped the straps of my book bag tighter.

She began, "I've known him forever." 

So did I. We grew up. But she didn't need to know that. I had the satisfaction and that only mattered.

"Okay," I shrugged. The thing with having Silas in my life is I knew how to reign in my anger. He taught me self-control. If I fought him, I knew I'd die. My mother would die. Sometimes you had to be unbothered. Let things like this not get to you.

"He's my best friend. I don't know about all the weirdos he hangs out with, but clearly that's you. So I just want to tell you he's nice to everyone. Don't get it twisted in thinking he actually might have any sort of feelings. You're no one. Not in this school. Not to him."

"Then why is it that you're not talking to him?" I asked her politely. "Since you're best friends, you guys must be close, right? You guys haven't been talking to each other. Obviously you're the delusional one here. He only sees you as a friend. I know you're hurt about him rejecting you."

"He did not reject me!" Abby exclaimed hotly, crossing her arms. I couldn't believe how in denial she was. "He's just misguided right now and a little lost."

Now this made me defensive. I knew that West felt like he was lost and misguided all the time. But not in the romantic sense.

I told her coolly raising my chin slightly, "West can make his own decisions. It's time you understand he's smarter than you give him credit for. Which you should. Give him credit for being his own person than follow you around. Yes, you're very beautiful, and you probably get whatever you want in life, but just because you can't have one thing doesn't mean you should ruin a relationship that you've had for years." I cleared my throat because the petty side of me added, "As friends."


When I met up with Penelope by her locker, one look at m and she asked, "What's wrong?"

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