Chapter 49- WEST

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Edith was so cute falling asleep while all of us were talking.

It was late, but I had so much energy still to talk to my parents finally with Wyatt included.

I gently picked her up, relishing the closeness between us, hugging her a little tighter as I carried her to my room. There was no where else I wanted her to be- but on my bed. As I tucked her in, she nuzzled a bit closer to me, feeling the loss of me, making me smile as I took her in for a second, looking peaceful.

I only wanted her to look like this from now on, I thought to myself walking back downstairs.

Pulling out my phone, I sent a quick text to Theo asking how he was, thinking he was sleeping since it was nearly 2 AM. Like always, Theo surprised me responding with a picture of him watching TV with little Nora sleeping on his legs captioned: My parents have been strangely nice to me. Is this a simulation?

I settled back into the couch, and Mom pointed her finger at me in warning, "You better treat her right or else."

"Will do," I promised. That was going to be easy.

"I love you guys," Mom sighed out, happily. I'm so glad this really seemed to lift up her mood big time. "I need a wedding." Leave it to Mom to think of these things, but the thought of seeing Edith in a wedding dress..."Please- I will definitely convince Edith. I know she'll do whatever I ask."

"Why do you want a wedding?" I laughed nervously, thinking of Edith telling me a straight no.

"The question is why not. Would you think about it?"

I looked over at Dad to help me out here, but he shook his head slightly, not wanting to be a part of it, smirking at me.

To my side, Wyatt unhelpfully added, "I'm all in for a wedding." He gave Mom an air high five.

"It's really more for me than you guys."

"I'll give you a wedding right now if you want it." Dad was serious.

"No thanks," Mom teased him, patting his shoulder. "I know it's not at all our tradition, but why not celebrate such a happy occasion? I don't regret anything I've done, but I think it'll be so much fun."

"I'll think about it."

Mom grinned like a Cheshire Cat. "Trust me buddy, I get what I want." Mom already knew all three of us would do whatever she wanted.

"So," Dad crosses his arms, down to business. Wyatt and I exchanged looks. "Tell us how both of you got into this."

"Well I did because of Edith at first but then Wyatt was also involved so naturally I had to take care of this little troublemaker." I put my hands around him, messing with his hair. "I think we need to talk about more pressing matters. Please get a haircut."

"Excuse me, but I like my hair," Wyatt fixed his hair I just messed up, flopping to the side. It grew even longer than I remember. He told me he wanted a physical feature to distinguish between him and I, so he grew out his hair, hoping our- mine- friends could tell us apart. Wyatt's friends were mostly mine- he met them through me. Mom once voiced her concern to Wyatt to go hang out and he shrugged saying "Having West is all I need for a friend". Dad said Uncle Zeke always used to say that his brother was his only friend for years too, so he understood the sentiment.

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