I got home and it was already 10 pm I was so tired and I got into the house and I saw my brother on the phone with kauthar it irritated me, haba ya ahmed Kai maye ne And he replied just because all your exes aren't romantic and you too are like that does not mean i should follow suite I laughed and went away ya ahmed was just 24 so I always thought about him and kauthar as fling as I thought that he wasn't ready to settle down but little did I know that ya ahmed was high on kauthar' s love , I went to my room I took a cold shower and I put on my pyjamas and parked my hair into a bun then I put on a blue cap I said my prayers as laid down to sleep I woke up as soon as I heard the calling of subhi prayers , i prayed and then I took a bath I got ready for work as usual
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And I went down to have my breakfast and ya ahmed was the only one on the table I asked him Ina mama he said ta je asibiti ward rounds duh ,then we had are our breakfast as he told me his intentions toward kauthar and i told toh ya ahmed but then Kwai put in your mind Kai za ka yi auren ka and then you 'll be able to cater for your wife Kai ka San al'marin yan gidan nAn sai a hankali I told ahmed and he smiled Amani I know each and everything there is to know about yan gidan mu na San su before you , kuma really how long does it take for you to realize your in love with a girl it has been 6 months now with kauthar I feel like we should make things halal already Amani na gaji kullun I smiled and I looked at my brother with admiration . He was like my idol . And I told to yanzu what's next and he said Kwai yanzu I'll let nabila and abba know about everything I think it's high time . We drove of and we left for the office and my brother dropped me off at work I was so late that I was even shy of entering my office and mr ahmed my boss was outside he saw me but he had refused to say a word I went into my office and mr frayer was no where to be found the office was more organized than usual then my boss ahmed decided to call me into the office and he handed me a letter I laughed and I asked what does this mean he said see for your self madam I suddenly knelt down and I started crying and rolling on the floor till Imraan and the others in the office could hear me they rushed into the office to see what was going on I kept on kneeling down and mr ahmed shouted at me why on earth do like embracing your self what's the meaning of all this drama open the freaking letter , he opened and I smiled as I saw the content mr frayer was transferred to julius beger head office Abuja and I was asked to follow him there . I smiled he sent me out of his office I came and said calm everyone it was a mix up baby we are going to julius beger I told finyi, apparently mr frayer was transferred to the head office and I was voted to go with him, I had mixed feelings about it. But then what could I do I packed my bags and belongings and I left for the head quarters.i went straight into mr frayer office and I asked why he picked me and he said because I see great potential in you but unfortunately you don't keep to time and so mr ahmed suggested that I leave with you to the head quarters where more eyes can watch you and you can be nurtured . And smiled because I smelt fish in this situation "But then I had to do what I had to and that was to relocate Later that I went back home and. I announced to my family and that I'll be moving j. B there were all delighted about it and happy for me But there was just something about this job I couldn't figure it out. It was a good thing but than I had mixed feelings about the job .