The reconcilation

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Amani's POV

Ya nabila I'm so impressed baba actually tried at least this time ya burge ni gaskiya the houses are so beautiful and I actually think I want to move in but then that depends on mama" you know your mother very well she's so stubborn she can decide...

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Ya nabila I'm so impressed baba actually tried at least this time ya burge ni gaskiya the houses are so beautiful and I actually think I want to move in but then that depends on mama
" you know your mother very well she's so stubborn she can decide not to move in let's just pray that she understands with baba and she agrees and this house is actually closer to where she works "
mama works with the asokoro general hospital .this was going to be her 15 year there mama was going places she had achieved a lot considering the fact the was jut 55and was already an associate specialist doctor . My mother made me so proud.
We entered the house it was so pretty each house had the same thing everything was the same except that we noticed that baba's wife had already picked the one she wanted because one was already partially furnished.

"Amani how can baba even do this How can he let that wife of his pick a side I mean that's not done maman mu uwargida ai she deserve to pick first "
Ya nabila mai da wukan please ,my father is a wise man in order for you to have more than one wife you most be just among them ya nabs so don't stress it please.
I dropped ya nabila at home then I left for kabir 's office he had promised that he was going to was going to hook me up with a job
"Good morning ms Amani "
Good morning kabir how are you today ?!
"I'm fine thank you , kar ki damu ba wani shegen contract bane I am building a house for my brother so I thought I should give you the kitchen contract I know it's nothing but then I wanted to make it up to you "
Ba komai thanks a lot so when do I start and can I please have the address do you have any specification for the kitchen ?! I asked
"No Amani just do what you would have done if it was your house the house is in jabi I'll text you the adress later oh and please be a darling and send me your address your car would be sent to you today "
Toh shikenan funny enough I live in Jabi too I'd send you the address later thank you for everything I appreciate it .
I hurried to my mother's office to pick her up because I went out with her car she told me she was on afternoon duty so I rushed and I had already planned with my dad that we would meet in. The new house today I promised him I would make my mum vist the house

Mama we went baba's house in the afternoon sai kin ga gidan mama it's beautiful Infact I think I should take you to the house you deserve to see it haddu gaskiya

" Amani kenan this should be between me and I sincerely want to see the house because I know your dad bakin bature ne nasan anyi karya dayawa a gidan nan nasan halin professor sosai if your sure that no one is in the house then we can go but promise me you won't tell your siblings "
I promise mama '

We got to the house and my mother was in disbelief Kai prof harda fountain yayi " I gave her a tour round the house my mother was so proud of my father

" honestly Amani I wouldn't mind living in this house It's actually very beautiful "mama said
"There is nothing stopping you from doing that madam " my father said
Then suddenly my mother's mood changed
"Amani did you plan this?!"mama shouted
"Ohh please let's not bring this poor child into our disputes fauziyya i married you 38 years ago and I love you with all my heart we've been through a lot and just because I got married again you totally changed towards me I became chaos to your thoughts and poison to your heart . Why fauziya I have never failed as your husband all I did was love you Ina Sonki kin sani and I want you to spend the rest of your life with me please fauziya yar gidan mai doya "
My mother broke into tears
"You love me and yet you got married to another woman ,is that even fair you know me very well Umaru you know I love you a lot and you mean the world to but how can my world lay in the arms of another how, you know pretty well that I am a jealous person everyone warned you about that before we got married Umaru after all the sacrifices I made for you why , you lied to me why after everything I did for you"
"I know my choices have hurt you but then fauziya I love you a lot and I promise you from today onwards I'll make you happy .but you have to promise me that you'll forgive me and you will live with choices I have made I promise to make it up to you my dear wife "
" okay but only one condition you that your wife won't be all up in my face and I'll have my privacy don bana son iyayi ni kam"
Agreed my parents hugged
I cried it was a beautiful sight this old lovers had reconciled I remember the day my mother sent my father out of his own house she cried "mugu Kwai azalami "
She said this words all day
Before she decided to throw his belongings out of the house
Kai this man has seen life

I hope you guys like this chapter 😁💫

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