Chapter 6

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The next morning arrived and as always I wake up when the sun peeks out but this time I missed it...I woke up in a dark room and I didn't recognize the paintings around me. I quickly stood up and so did the person next to me.
"What happened?"
My eyes widened, screaming at the shirtless stranger and he quickly covered my mouth.."Shh it's me Ringo!"
I was still in shock and I looked down to my body, I still had my clothes on.
Ringo: quiet down, everyone's still sleepin'
Marianne: (whispers) w-what happened? H-how did I get here?
Ringo: ye passed out at the club so I brought ye 'ere
Marianne: does my brother know?
Ringo shook his head and we both get startled when someone starts pounding the door.
"Marianne I know you're in there!!"
Ringo: Shit!
He quickly stands up and runs to the door, he forgot to put on his shirt. I didn't want Scott to kill Ringo or find out I stayed here the whole night so I quickly hid under the bed yet peeking...
Ringo opened the door and Scott immediately pushes him out the way.
Scott: where is she?
Ringo: Who?
Scott: you know who I'm talking about, Marianne!
Ringo: oh! Well I 'avnet seen 'er!
Scott: don't play dumb with me, She told me she was with you last night
John: aye, what's going on here?
Scott: have you seen Marianne?
For a few moments, John looked at Ringo then back at Scott who was furious.
John: she said she was going back to your room, now leave us alone
He starts to look around the room without a warning and I pulled myself back under the bed, holding my breath. I saw his brown shoes pointed to my direction, I stood still until he sighs loudly and leaves slamming the door. I peeked out and Ringo nodded, saying it's okay to get out.
Marianne: I am so sorry
Ringo: don't worry about it, I guess you should get back
I nodded while he wrapped his arms around me and I walked out. I had an idea that Scott would be bugging the lobby manager for me and I was right, I snuck up behind him and he hugged me tightly..

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