Chapter 5

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Damon's POV  

"Did you call Stefan?" Blondie walked into the house.

"Ever hear of knocking? It's fun, you should try it." I smirked.

"Damon. Did you call Stefan?"

"Yes, yes. He's fine." I calmed her.

"What did he say?" She still seemed worried.

"Uh, I don't know. There was no reception." She panicked after I said that. "He's fine."

Elena's POV 

"I'm a cowboy," I sang.

"On a steel horse I ride." Stefan sang along too... He loves Bon Jovi.

"I'm wanted (wanted) dead or alive." I sung as loud as possible. Stefan and I just sang all the songs I was well, alive... or awake for, I don't know, for the first 2 hours. Ae talked a lot about Matt, Jer, and Alaric, oh and of course about Caroline, Stefan's finance. I still can't believe they are getting married, it feels like yesterday that they both turned their humanity off and well you know... haha. Another hour has gone by and Stefan has yet to bring up Damon... which worried me, so I finally went for it. "How's Damon?" He looked blankly at me. I started panicking.

"Oh no, he's fine!" He said probably just to calm me down. "Elena. These past years without you  in his life, it destroyed him. I never see him so... broken. He hides it well but I'm his brother, I know when he is hurting." My face fell at the thought, I didn't want him to be hurt, I even told him in our 'see you soons' that I wanted him to live his life and be happy without me... did I mean it? Yes. Did I want it? No... the hardest thing was not the spell, it was finding words to say to Damon... words to tell me to move on...

After a moment of processing that I finally got some words out, "Does he know I'm awake?" What? Elena? That is so not what I wanted to say.

"No. I didn't even know until I went to Bonnie's house." He answered.

I frowned when he said that. Bonnie. "Stefan, was Bonnie... happy?"

"Yes. She was very happy. She had a family, a husband, she lived in this beautiful house. Bonnie lived a wonderful life. She would want you to know that." He said noticing that I was getting upset about that if I'm here that means Bonnie isn't. I nodded, wiping a tear off my cheek.

About 3 hours passed of almost dead silence. Everything we tried to talk about just brought up painful memories of all the years I've missed of everyone's lives. I'm just thanking god that in 65 years, Stefan is still Stefan. Then, the phone call that broke the silence.

"Hello?" Stefan asked without even looking at the called ID. Please don't be Damon. Please don't be Damon. I kept repeating in my head.

"Oh hey, Caroline." He said. Oh, thank god, the last thing I wanted to do was have Stefan end up telling Damon 'Elena's awake by the way." Now that would have been bad.

Stefan's POV

"Oh my god! You're alive! Where have you been? Are you on your way back? Was Bonnie okay?" She sounded nervous because I haven't talked to her since before I found out about Bonnie.

"Whoa, whoa, Caroline. Slow down." I laughed. "I'll explain everything, there was just a little bump in the road." I looked at Elena and she laughed.

"Okay..." She sounded like she knew something was up. "Are you almost home?"

"Uhhhh, Yeah, about 20 minutes." I said and looked over to Elena, she looked like she just realized how close we were to the boarding house, to Caroline, to...Damon.

"Okay. Love you." She said. 

"Love you too." I repeated and ended the call.

Elena started giggling in the passenger's seat. "What's so funny?" I laughed as I watched her.

"It's just... think of it in my place. To me a few days ago was Alaric and Jo's wedding and I remember that on that day I was in charge of warning Caroline when you were coming this way, she was avoiding you. And now! You two are engaged! It's just odd to me." She laughed. I finally understood how weird this is for her, to Elena, a few days ago Caroline and I turned our humanity back on and was avoiding each other after we slept with each other for the first time. And Jo and Liv just died not the long ago but to me they died six and a half decades ago. Wow, this is confusing.

"Oh hey so if you don't mind me asking." I started. Elena looked really confused about where I was going with this. "How are you planning on Damon finding out you're awake? Like are you going to just pop out of no where or just walk in and say oh hey yeah I'm awake... or what?" She had the brightest smile on her face when I brought up Damon.

"I didn't really think about it..." She looked around and got lost in a train of thought for a minute.

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