Chapter 11

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Elena's POV

I forgot those sparks Damon and I have when we kissed, wait what am I saying? It's more like fireworks...lots and lots of fireworks. Damon still has my hands pinned down with his but it doesn't matter, nothing matters except that Damon is here in this moment.  This was the only moment that I wasn't freaking out inside my head about Damon and I's future and whether or not he is going of take the cure and me human with me. None of that matters.

Damon is for sure the best kisser I know...that may not be saying much because I've only kissed Stefan, Matt, Liam, and that one weird kiss with Elijah when he thought I was Katherine. But Damon is the only person I know that makes me feel giddy inside. I love it.

Damon and I share this feeling that we need each other, and when we are apart we are miserable and well...broken. You know how I was when Damon dies (but came back 4 months later) and based on what Stefan has told me about Damon in the past 65 years sounded like the same thing to me...miserable. Damon pulled away from our ever lasting kiss and gazed into my eyes. His mouth started to form into a smile, but I got my hands free and pulled him back down to me ending with a passionate kiss. Moments after, we slowly pulled away but our faces were inches apart. We both stared into each others eyes, soaking in the moment we just had. I love him, I love him so much. He got off of me and I could see in his eyes that he didn't want to.

I laughed, "We should get to bed. It's past midnight."

"Ugh!" he whined. "I don't wanna go to bed." he fell face first into the couch.

"Fine." I picked myself up and walked upstairs.

I walked into Damon's bedroom and walked towards the bed, but then in a blur I was pinned down on the bed with Damon on top of me smirking down. I giggled as he leaned down and kissed me. I have no idea how long I've been dreaming of this moment. Damon ripped my shirt and I pulled his off over his head. He kissed every square inch of my body  just like he use to 65 years ago. This night. This is a night I will never forget.

Damon's POV

I woke up in a daze not really remembering everything that happened last night. But when I looked down to see Elena's head resting on my chest, I remembered. I have my Elena back. I was debating whether I should get up and whip up breakfast for Elena or if I should just enjoy the moment. I regretfully decided to get up, I slipped out of Elena's grip and took a few steps away from the bed and I just took a minute to enjoy the sight, Elena in my bed after a long night. I smiled and got myself clothed after I realized I was butt naked and walked downstairs.

Caroline was in the library on her phone and Stefan was sitting on a bar stool in the kitchen reading some book.

"Long night?" Stefan chuckled.

"You have no idea." I laughed and grabbed the coffee pot and poured me some. Stefan laughed and looked back down at his book.

I started making Elena's favorite, scrambled eggs with bacon and cheese mixed inside. As soon as I finished I heard someone coming down the steps. Elena practically skipped inside the kitchen with this beautiful smile on her face.

"Morning, Elena." I said in a flirtatious way and gave her a smile.

"Good morning , Damon." she smiled back and walked towards the coffee pot and poured herself some. She placed the mug down on the countertop and as soon as she did I grabbed her wrist and spun her around until she was facing me.

"Hi." she laughed. I smiled and kissed her. I wish everyday was like this.

"Hi back." I spun her back around towards her coffee. She walked into the library across from Caroline and Elena sat down on the couch and put her feet on the coffee table. I whipped up a plate for Elena and myself and walked it to the library, she grabbed a plate from me and I fell down onto the couch next to her. She rested her head on my shoulder.

"So what do you guys wanna do today?" Stefan askes as he walked in to join us.

"We can't do anything today." Caroline looked up.

"Why not?" I asked.

"We have Bonnie's funeral today at 2." Caroline answered. I looked down and saw that when Caroline said Elena's face fell. I didn't know what to say. Yes, we are really happy together finally. But still, I have to tell myself that if Elena's here that means Bonnie isn't.

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