It all began the way any good story does. I was walking to school with my two friends Ethan and Charlie. Ethan was 5'11" and was Chinese who had glasses and short black hair which seemed to defy gravity making him look like a hedgehog. Ethan was currently at the top of his Math and Physics classes and could solve almost any problem logically. He was always complaining to be cold even on hot days. Charlie on the other hand went out of their way to look androgynous. Charlie had long brown hair and the side of their head was cut close. Charlie was 5'7" and wore glittery makeup. Charlie was a massive science student but trailed far behind when it came to math. Charlie was also gender fluid and would make fun of you if you got their pronouns wrong. On this particular day it was cold, and I'm not talking about the "oh it's a bit cold for a t-shirt" I'm talking full on icy roads, and me and my friends were walking to school "Hey Daniel!" Charlie called "What am I today!?" I looked them up and down "Um..." I started "Male?" I said Unsure of myself "Nope!" she replied with glee "you lose that means you pay for lunch!" we had started this game a few months ago if I managed to guess right then she would buy lunch but if I guessed wrong I would pay, let's just say I was terrible at our game "C'mon Daniel" Ethan said "she isn't such a depressed person today and therefore she is female" Ethan finished his assumption with a flourish "Jeez Ethan, am I glad I'm not playing with you..." Charlie said downheartedly "stop giving him hints or my wallet will suffer..." I laughed "so my wallet doesn't matter?" I asked her. she looked back at me "It does when you buy lunch, dummy. Now hurry up or we are going to be late!" and that's when it happened... a bus coming down the hill too fast couldn't stop and skidded off the road and directly into us, And everything went black.
Authors Note: okay so here is the first official chapter and I think it's okay let me know if you have ideas or changes!
Greeny Out! xx

Three People, One Brain (chap 1)
HumorDaniel is an ordinary guy... well guys, see the problem is that he also has two others inside his head "helping" him with his day to day life whilst actually being general annoyances