My First Day as an "Us"

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"***Daniel" Ethan's voice woke me up "You have school today, and you have a test, you have to go" I rolled out of bed and got dressed like a zombie. I practically fell down the stairs and left the house without eating breakfast. "**Daniel, I'm hungry" Charlie called "**Can you think up some food for me?" "*No" I replied without skipping a beat and continued walking "*** did you revise for the math test, Daniel" Ethan said "*No"  I replied and continued walking "**wanna play a round of Mario-Kart?" "*** sure why not?" I proceeded to ignore the screaming and trash talk going on in my head and walked through the school gates with ten minutes to spare until the bell rang and put my stuff in my locker and headed for homeroom "Daniel!" Alexis called (Alexis is a girl in my class, she was one of my other friends other than the two morons inside my head) "I heard about the accident, are you, Ethan and Charlie okay?" "I'm fine" I replied "Ethan and Charlie seem okay but I am worried about them" "you seem perfectly chill about this..." Alexis ventured "considering they are in comas and you did get hit by a bus" the bell rang, talk about a close call, and I quickly ran inside and began my first day back.

After homeroom, My first Class was math. Which, of course, I had a test for and which, of course, I hadn't studied for. the subject was algebra and we had an hour "*hello, I could use a little help here?" I asked and strangely there was no response "*HELLO?" I said louder, still no response and then I heard laughter "**Made you panic for a second there, didn't we?" Charlie teased "**and if you want help same rules apply"  "*C'mon Charlie, You suck at math anyway..." "**you don't have to rub it in..." Charlie pouted. I walked inside Prepared for a solid hour of math "*** hey, I'll help you Daniel" Ethan said, which made me feel better as he was currently beating me in math. This test was gonna be a breeze

Authors Note: Wow okay... I can't keep a schedule for shit... sorry about that but just in case you were wondering "*" is Daniel "**" is Charlie and "***" is Ethan so thanks for your continued support!

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