"** Daniel, We have a problem." I did not want to hear this in the middle of a particularly hard question on this math test "*What is it now, Charlie?" I snapped back "*unless you can help me solve this question I don't care" "**please I figured out that question long ago" Charlie bragged "** it's B" "*This is extended response..." "**oh, It's 4 then" "*I need to draw a graph..." there was silence for a while "**Anyway, Daniel you have hardly any apps on here. Ethan and I already played the hell out of Mariokart and Minesweeper" Now this shocked me as I had not given thought to the fact that, maybe, I had programs "*I have Minesweeper?" I asked still kinda not believing her "** Yes, Danny you do. Hey Dan? Do you want to play two player on Minesweeper?" "*you can't play two player on minesweeper, It's a one player game... Wait why am I arguing with you?! I need to finish this question!" I looked at the clock and realized I had ten minutes to finish two questions. I quickly put down answers for those two and handed the test in. One period down, five to go. Next was a free period for me (oh the joys of being a yr 11) and after that I had Biology (Because nothing says exciting like photosynthesis) but Charlie decided that he would be helpful this time (he swapped during recess apparently) and then the last two periods were chemistry (I had this class with Alexis, so bonus!) As I walked into class and sat down next to Alexis I let out a sigh "what's wrong?" she asked "nothing... I've had this headache all day and it's annoying "***Hey!" "*Shut up" I said back "have you had enough water?" Alexis asked. Alexis was 5'4" had purple dyed tips in her hair. she didn't care much for academics but could play the guitar well enough. she was usually nice but had a vicious mean streak and an ability to hold grudges. Luckily I was on her good side and we had been friends since junior high. "hey, wanna come over after school?" she asked me "*** Ooh, Danny boy is on first base" Ethan teased "Shut up Ethan..." I started before realizing I said that out loud but only getting a concerned look from Alexis before continuing to study atoms and their properties. I could not wait for this day to be over.
Authors note: sorry that I haven't been active but wednesdays and fridays are now my publishing days and I've got two friends helping me with this. My messages are always open so if you wanna have a chat that's fine.
Greeny XX

Three People, One Brain (chap 1)
HumorDaniel is an ordinary guy... well guys, see the problem is that he also has two others inside his head "helping" him with his day to day life whilst actually being general annoyances