Tag 1 (_Snowlight_Fox_)

245 8 13

I have been tagged by _Snowlight_Fox_

1. I constantly color my hair (It's red right now) and I haven't cut it for quite a while, as it's around ten inches long.

2. I am a nerd. Not a geek. A nerd. I haven't obsessed over any fandoms or anything, but I just like school.

3. I've liked math since I was three. It has basically shaped who I am and I am forever in its debt.

4. I aspire to be a writer, a quantum physicist, a modern mathematician, or a professor at the University of Cambridge.

5. I'm all American.

6. Stalling has become a natural enemy to little JaxX, which is kinda why I'm doing this instead of my story. Oops.

7. I've won a lot of money playing trivia apps—over fifty dollars.

8. I won my county spelling bee yet type way too fast which is why I rely on my good ol' pal auto-correct.

9. I don't consider myself a furry, as I wouldn't delve into most aspects of the fandom, but I really love anthropomorphic animals and have developed an art style that incorporates anthros and Japanese animation.

10. Notice that I didn't refer to it as anime. I don't watch it but by all means go ahead; no judge here.

I'm expecting you all to do this _Exze_ _foxytrot _jackiel_ _Stormo_ Bluethewolf_ Smoke_Wolf NIGHTFURY118 Tannnim Smittylast AckeTheFurry

Much love,
~ JaxX

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