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Okay, so I want to try something new for the anthro community here. There's a challenge thing that I found online and it says to do something everyday for 31 days, but I'm doing it all now. If you want to do this, please try it out, I want to see what people think of it.

 If you want to do this, please try it out, I want to see what people think of it

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1. Okay, so my fursona or whatever you want to call it is named Jax. He's tall, thin, wears glasses, that sort of thing. He's a vibrant blue with long dark blue hair and a huge tail. He plays piano and xylophone and other types of percussion as well. He likes math and small sciences, and only wants the best for others, sometimes forgetting about himself in the process. He's about exactly the same as me personality-wise and appearance-wise, other than the actual, you know, human part. There's a picture on the informational chapter of my story but accidentally deleted it.

2. The reason I chose my animal is because I like wolves and feel like they would suit me best. Not really a specific reason, though.

3. I don't have any altsonas if I understand what they are correctly, but I have some OC's in my story so you can check that out or not.

4. If I were to have an altsona it would be almost any type of big cat. I have no reason, other than I like them and how they're built can easily be personified in storytelling.

5. If I were to get a piece of "gift art" I'd like it to be Jax and Skye together with Echo in the front. If you don't know who they are *third shameless plug* check out my story!

6. Same as #5.

7. I got into the fandom because of accidentally stumbling upon 's first story. Thanks a ton man!

8. Um, I'm not than kind of furry and I wouldn't like to attend a "con."

9. Wouldn't wear any or want any.

10. Nope. Nope. Nope.

11. I've drawn one piece of art but I'm not very comfortable sharing it, not sure why, just kind of embarrassed, but there's lots of good art on my story, especially Skye's character and Echo's character style.

12. I absolutely prefer anthro over feral because feral just seems so not human that it's basically entirely animal. I just get reminded of Air Bud when I think of or see feral art, which isn't a good thing.

13. Not at all "out" in real life. Only with strangers online.

14. I only have Wattpad and an empty Instagram @jaxxwolf

15-19. I don't know anything about that stuff, sorry.

20. That one NCIS episode. 'Nuff said.

21-22. Still don't know.

23. Rarely to yiff, but I'm on tumblr and reddit so I can't really avoid it and by all means, go ahead.

24. I have a couple stuffed animals (still) but they were for more serious reasons.

25. I've never done anything with a "furry family" but I guess some of the people on here are like family if that counts. Also, I don't do role play or that sort of thing.

26. I saw a picture that I might use as my new story picture, and thought it was fabulous:

*also check out my story*

27. My favorite part is probably just plain furs, or furs who are kinda like me and are only in it for the people and art and tame stuff like that.

28. My least favorite is definitely like scat and baby furs and that thing. I find it absolutely horrific, but I mean whatever you're into, I can't stop you.

29. My explanation to someone not part of the fandom:

Don't try this at home.

30. I think it's highly possible that I'll become uninterested in the fandom, maybe in a year's time, but I don't want to pursue this as an adult. It just doesn't feel like I could devote any time into it.

31. Not nominating people, but if you read this I highly encourage you to do it. It was really fun and I think you'll like doing it!


What was the takeaway from this?

I can 'seemlessly' sponsor myself five times.

~ JaxX

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