The Real World

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Chapter Four: The Real World

So I was still standing in front of Starbucks with Dylan's fangirls. He wouldn't dare leave, obviously, because then he would be attacked by many hormonal teens who possibly want to tear off one of his limbs and cherish it forever.

I shivered at the thought.

"Hey, you're blocking my way, idiot!" Some random girl yelled in my ear.

I turned to face her and gave her a death glare. "Excuse me?"

The girl got all up in my face. "I said to get out of my way," she sneered. She looked about eighteen.

"Well, little girl, I suggest you get out of my way, before you lose that pretty little face of yours," I threaten.

Her eyes widened and she blinked a bunch of times. "Are you trying to threaten me?"

No freaking duh.

"Did it sound like a threat?" I asked.


"Then it was," I spat. This girl was getting on my nerves.

Before she could sass me anymore, a voice stopped her. "Sanjana Chappell? Al Chappell's daughter?"

I abruptly turned around. How did this guy know my name and my dad's name? "Yes?" I replied to the tall middle-aged dude with the shades who called my name.

"Wow, you look just like your mother," the guy muttered.

My mother? How does he know my family?

"Um, care to explain why you know my whole life story?" I asked. I didn't mean to be rude, but the annoying girl really got on my nerves. Her sass rubbed off on me.

Or maybe I was just naturally sassy.

"Still as sassy as before, I see," he noted. "Anyway, my name is Ron. Just Ron."

"Alright, 'Just Ron,' now are you gonna tell me how you know my family or are you going to waste two more minutes of my life marveling about how I am still as sassy as ever?" I inquired.

"Alright, geez, little lady. So I am Ron, a close friend of your father's," Ron explained, looking at me expectantly.

I shook my head. "Doesn't ring a bell. Sorry, Ron. So now if you'll please excuse me--"

He cut me off. "You came to a party of mine a few years back, remember?"

Of course I remember that party.

My eyes widened with recognition. "I know you! I remember that party! It was where I met Dyl--I mean, people."

"Sweetie, I'm fifty-seven years old, not two. I know you were about to say 'Dylan,'" Ron said. He shrugged. "Who wouldn't not remember meeting Dylan? He's pretty popular among the female population."

"I've noticed," I muttered. Out of curiosity, I looked to my side to check if the annoying chick was still there. Turns out she left to get closer to the window to stalk Dylan some more.

"Anyway, tell your parents I said hello. It was nice seeing you again," Ron concluded. He started to walk toward a sleek black car parallel parked on the curb.

"Wait, old man! I mean, uh, Ron!" I called. I ran up to Ron and grabbed his shoulder. I took a few deep breaths. Those ten feet were exhausting to run. "Does Dylan remember me?" I asked softly.

He held a cupped hand to his ear. "I'm sorry, dear, what was that?"

I grunted. "Does. Dylan. Remember. Me."

He considered it for a moment and shrugged. "You're going to have to ask him that for yourself."

I sighed. He probably doesn't. This was the real world. I can't live in memories and fantasies. Dylan might just think I was just some girl he met a few years ago.

Some girl.

I decided to head home, but before that, an idea came to mind. "Hold up, Ron. I need to ask you something."

"What is it now?" he asked. "You want to know if Dylan likes you, don't you? Well, to tell you the truth, I think--"

"Woah, I was not going to ask that," I said. "Why would I? Anyway, I was wondering if you knew about any job openings around here?"

Ron suddenly became interested. "Oh, and what kind of job are you looking for?"

I smiled. I think I was going to get somewhere with this. "Well, I'm a beautician. I do hair and makeup and stuff."

"I don't think I know of any available jobs like that," Ron replied slowly, as if trying to remember something. Then his eyes widened. "Wait!"

"Yeah?" I drawled.

Ron grabbed my shoulders. "It's perfect! I have a job offering for you, Sanjana dear." He told me the job offer and I accepted right away.

I jumped up and down. "Thank you so much!" I squealed. I even went as far as to hug him, which he was really confused about.

I never, ever hug people, nor do people hug me.

"Why is your face like that?" I asked without thinking.

"I'm just confused. When you came to my party, you refused to hug anyone at all. Not even your family. Looks like people change." Ron shrugged. "Well, I'll see you on your first day."

"Wait, I don't need an interview. An application?" I asked.

"Nope, you've got the job." Ron smiled. "I think you'll be a great fit."

"Thank you so much, Ron," I said gratefully. "I really appreciate it."

He waved me off. "Oh, it's no problem. Anything for a child of my good friend. See you around, Sanjana."

He got in his car and drove away.

I quickly called my parents to tell them, too excited to contain this information inside of me.

Well, I found a job.

In two days, I'll be working for Ellen DeGeneres as a hair and makeup artist.

I knew L.A. was a good idea.




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